33: Zexel's Past

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Chapter 33: Zexel's Past

"Dark Blood... s-spare m-me..." a paled adult man was begging while kneeling to Zexel. He is trembling and can't even clearly as he was scared to death by the person he was facing.

Regret filled his face for betraying the person in front of him who gives him a warm family. He regret leaking information to her enemy resulting the death of many in their organisation.

He thought that Zexel will not know his betrayal since he already been with her ever since she founded their organisation. He thought that she will not be suspicious to him but this confrontation makes him realise that his conclusion is wrong.

He underestimate the ability of their leader at the same time, overestimating his ability that he can hide everything.

"Spare you? Why would I spare you? You know that I hate the most is the person who betray me. Did I give you so much confidence by trusting you that you can make everything under your control?" A cold and terrifying voice linger to his ear.
He knows that their leader, Zexel is a person who hate betrayal. She was ruthless to them but atlt the same time, she was warm to her comrades and subordinates.

"You know what to do," being ruthless is Zexel's specialty. And her subordinated already know how to deal the traitor.


The next day, Zexel was in her typical disguise, the bubbly and approachable girl in their school. She was only on the Middle school Grade 12.

She was a genius but she maintain being average so that everything will be normal to her. Her school days was so smooth and nothing even attracted to her but she has a many so called friends.

But no one in the place she genuinely trust. Right now, her focus was her organisation.

After a long day of faking and hiding her emotions, she will be back to her house and continue to be Dark Blood.


Three years after her struggles, she met the person she loved that name Jason Felix Castelon a full blood American man.

At first, she denied him but as the time flies so fast, her heart begun to become so soft and open it up to him. She let her guard down as they started to enter a serious relationship.

But as they celebrate their 9th Anniversary, an accident happens to their place.

A sound of gunshot was everywhere as the people begun to scream and run for their lives. It was a restaurant which means they are in public.

Zexel wanted to struggle herself to death as her enemy begun to approach her.

In her mind, she knows that she disregarded everything and even herself as Dark Blood after she found out that her boyfriend, Jason has a big surprise to her.

She thought that he will propose to her so she forgot to raise her guard resulting to this ambush.

She was unprepared to the point that the was wearing high heels, white dress, and did not even bring a gun because she was too excited.

But even if she fall to this kind of situation, she manage to move base on her instinct.

She walk while her body is bend down as she want to find some of her enemy. She doesn't know where Jason is because he was late to their time they set but she smile thinking that her beloved man was safe.

After she found an enemy, she immediately attack his accupoints in his legs and attack him directly as she force him to die using only her hand by pressing his fatal accupoints.

After she kill one of her enemy, the immediately grab his gun and magazine then tried to kill a lot of enemy.

She kill their with only one bullet as fast and as accurate as she could so every bullets was worth it.

Because she got a gun, she fearlessly exchange blows to her enemy and kill a lot of them in the fastest way. But she never thought that her enemy was too prepared.

As she was about to leave the restaurant that piled with a lot of corpse, a group of people appeared to her front with Jason as their hostage.

They are pointing their gun to his head as they look at her with mockery. They ridiculed her as they saw on their eyes the panic and how paled her face is.

"What are you going to do Dark Blood? We have your weakness on our hand," their leader spoke as Zexel saw that Jason has a lot of injury. His head was bleeding as if he struggled before he got him.

"Zee, don't fall to their trap. I'm okay, I can handle this," Jason's voice was trembling as she saw them laugh and mock to her beloved man.

"Don't act as if you are a hero. Just blame your girlfriend for offending a lot of people in the underworld. They had long to this day when they can see the fall of the mighty Dark Blood," their leader slam Jason's body and kick him to his back.

"What do you want?" Zexel coldly ask but inside she was worried and frighten to what is happening. Her body is trembling as she saw these group of people to beat her beloved.

Her minds begun to blank as she trigger her gun to kill the person in her front. 5 people immediately died so she do what she can to grab Jason on her side.

As they finally run over to escape a demonic laugh linger to their ears.

"You can escape her but not your beloved man. I'm sure it would be tour biggest downfall," the leader trigger his gun as he pointed it to Jason. But as soon as Zexel knows that the bullets was exactly going to his head, she immediately shield her body so she could have the bullet and protect herself.

The bullet pierce to near to her heart as she begun to get weak.



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