50: The second part of the first test

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Chapter 50: The second part of the first test

After 3 hours, a lot of them is still exhausted. But the instructor's voice activated and started the second part of the first test.

They all cursed and complain but they did not do anything.

"You're all probably tired. But it will not an excuse to take this second part. Because of the number we've got from the people who choose the easiest path, we need to remove three fourths of the people before you participate to the next round. The is only one rule, its for you to survive until one hour is ended. Killing here is okay because they will just be send out after they got killed here. We don't care what method you will use just survive the one hour. Now the other half of the first test, begin," this makes everyone mindlessly attack everyone they saw. Because of their tiredness, Feng Guan Xi manage to think immediately.

He pull Fan Qingyou and hide their presence approximately one hour. He just remember that the instructors told them they can use any method to survive. He just thought that the other is too stupid.

Any method can use so they can stop killing each other and wait for one hour to end. In that case, no one will be hurt.

But he was too selfish to take a risk telling them about it. He stay hidden with Fan Qingyou and let them all kill each other.

In the place where the bleacher was there a while ago was now gone. Its a complete stage where everyone is killing each other. Water, fire, earth, and even wind powers was used to the destruction of the place is far great. But because a lot of them is tired because of the first test, its not their full power.

While Zexel and the other is talking about the rules.

"Are they all stupid? The rules is clear, they can use any method to survive so fighting is not necessary," Feng Ming Li said.

"Well, they are all tired so their brain might not picked up the rules so much. All they just heard is to survive for an hour," Leng Fu Ting explain.

The four stared to him and nodded.

"Its logical. So what do you think about the second test?" Fan Yaoli said.

"Well, it will much more hard than the first test, I guess," Feng Zhengying replied. They continue to watch thru the wall on whats really happening on the test.

After an hour, a buzzer was activated and all the survivor was paralyze. They are only 8 people and all of them are panting heavily.

"Times up, congratulation to the 10 survivor," the voice said and a door was open.

"10?" All of them ask. It was the time that both Feng Guan Xi and Fan Qingyou appeared. They didn't looks exhausted at all making the other 8 become angry to them.

"You! You just hide in that corner while we survive fighting everyone here! Its not fair!" A girl who is panting heavily is now shouting.

"Well, you are just stupid not understanding the rules. They said we can use any method to survive, they didn't told us to fight nessecarily," Feng Guan Xi boredly reply.

Its too late for them to realize it. He is right, the voice told them that they can ise any method so why not hide?

"Well, sadly, he is right, his method is much more relaxing than the method you use," the voice reply.

The four who was watching them laugh.

"You're brother has a brain huh?!" Zexel said.

"Well, he is the Empress' son so its nit that shocking to know that his son is also cunning and smart," Feng Ming Li reply.

"Do you know that two?" Leng Fu Ting ask.

"Yup, he is my half brother and his step brother and the lady is their half sister," first pointing to Feng Zhengying then pointed Fan Yaoli and Zexel.

"Oh, it seems that you had a grudge to them," Leng Fu Ting replied.

"Yes, definitely we have a deep grudge to that two," Feng Ming Li replied.

Now the 10 survivor in that test is treated immediately after they leave the room. Their previous exhaustion is now gone since it was only an illusion. Thry found theirselves being in a bed with a warm welcome from a teacher there.

"Welcome to the second test, you will combined to the other 147 who choose the easiest path. After a while," the teacher said and they follow.

They came in the large stadium that had a 10 doors with numbers then the 147 from the easiest test is combined to the 10 survivor of the difficult test.

They just experience hell so they become jealous that this group didn't need to experience it.

"As you see, there are 10 doors behind me. Each door had a unique test for a certain subject or fields. You will all take the test from one to ten. But don't worry because you only need to complete 3 out of 10 test to barely passed. The higher numbers you passed, the higher rank you will get. What is rank? It is your ranking base on your own skills and how high you will be treated inside the scarlett Academy. The higher the ranks the higher privilage and benifits you can get," the teacher said with a smile.

"So now, fall in line and the first five in the line can now, start," the five first in line is Zexel's group and Leng Fu Ting so they went inside and started the test.

The two girls in their group cannot help but to grin. Because this was all their fortes. Good thing is both Feng Zhengying and Feng Ming Li got a lesson to the two about the test before. They all smile and started working. Leng Fu Ting was not fall behind and started to do his own creation too. He can't help but to thank that someone who helps him before.


I know Zexel's character was too strong for the first 50 chapters. The reason is, she had thr modern thinking of a Mafia Boss as well as had the future fate of her host, Fan Lihua. So she had all the advantage to get thru the whole situation.

But Zexel's weakness is actually appearing slowly and you will read a lot of it now that she was in the Scarlett Academy. Remember the Concubine in the Palace who see through her scheme within the Imperial Palace so it was one of her weakness. She was now on a different place where a lot of stronger people will be encounter.

That's all, Love
- Ybrehl

Next update: May 3, 2020

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