7: Zexel vs Fan Qinyou

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Chapter 7: Zexel vs Fan Qinyou

Zexel felt happy about her achievement. She knows that her advancement was too fast towards the ordinary cultivators.

She was so sure that if some know that she breakthrough from Intermediate Primary Spiritualist to Low Intermediary Spiritualist, they will faint immediately.

However, she knows that she needs to hide this matter from everyone and be lowkey in the meantime.


It's already morning when she awakes. Just like yesterday, she did her daily routine and let her three maids follow her to Hua Kai Pavilion.

Zexel heard some noise why she was only at the door which makes her heart in fury.

She walks fast and saw Fan Qingyou who happens to bully Fan Yaoli. She saw how Dao Lu begs for Fan Qinyou to stop but Fan Qinyou was deaf that didn't hear anything.

Zexel used her Qinggong[1] to fly in the middle of the two. She grad the tip of the whip that Fan Qingyou used to beat Fan Yaoli.

"Si-sister..." Fan Yaoli calls Zexel in her low voice. Zexel can even detect that she was really hurt because of that voice.

Her fury begun to risen since Fan Yaoli is one of the people she wanted to protect. "The fifth sister, you're afraid to strong one but you're bullying the weak. Are you really that shameless?" Zexel asked with her most cold voice.

Fan Qingyou never even expect that Zexel will appear in her front while she was playing with her toy. She began to hate Zexel because of this.

"Who are you to stop me? You are just a low daughter of Father. Your mother even doesn't have Father's favor, not unlike my mother. Remember, That this Lady has much high cultivation to you," Fan Qingyou gritted her teeth while facing Zexel.

She would not admit that she was scared of the cold voice of Zexel a while ago.

"Then why don't you fight with me? Since you're that strong, beat someone who has the same level of strength as you," Zexel smirks because she has much higher cultivation to Fan Qinyou right now.

She also has the fighting techniques of the modern era so she was not afraid of this low person who wants to boost her cultivation.

The 'was' now the second female genius in the capital because of Zexel's Advancement.

"If that's what you want this Lady will give you enough beatings," Fan Qinyou smirk. She knows that she will be at an advantage in this battle.

Fan Qinyou knows the capability of her sister, Fan Lihua so she was confident that she can beat this person. Since Fan Lihua interrupts her play with her toy, she will make her pay with it.

Zexel drops Fan Qinyou's whip and ready herself for the fight. Fan Qinyou first attack Zexel but manage to dodge it. No matter how many times Fan Qinyou want to whipped Zexel, she couldn't do it because Zexel has a natural speed ever since in her first body.

"Oh Fifth Sister, who is your target? This Lady is here in your front. Are you fighting with a wind?" Zexel wanted to add the fury in the heart of Fan Qinyou so she will lose her sanity and start to move like a lunatic.

Zexel still continues to mock Fan Qinyou making her hate arouse in her heart. Her minds become blank, her pretense mask was even torn up as she loses all her sanity and did her best just to beat the girl in her front.

If anyone was there, they will not be able to connect the sweet, kind, obedient, lovable, and elegant Fifth Miss of the Prime Minister's Fu.

"Sister Lihua! Be careful!" Fan Yaoli knows that her sister Lihua was in a disadvantageous position. She only knows that her Fifth Sister is the first female genius in the capital which makes Fan Lihua be the second.

Fan Qinyou only had one level higher than Fan Lihua but the gap between the two levels was really huge. So Fan Yaoli secretly orders Fan Er and Fan Yi to report this matter to their Father.

She wanted to protect her only sister who gives her warm love. The only person who did not consider her as trash just like what the others think of her.

Zexel used her legs and kick the side belly of Fan Qinyou. She also punches her arm and kicks her legs making her a scar inside her body.

Zexel beat Fan Qingyou but she avoids her face so no one will suspect her injury. She knows in this era, the flesh of a female was really important to all of the women.

If someone especially if it was a man just saw even a tiny flesh, it can be considered a losing your virginity.

Fan Qinyou was really shocked that the attacks of Zexel were really cunning and vicious. Ever since the battle began, she never even lay a finger on Zexel which makes her even angrier.

She really determined to kill the bitch in her front. In this time, Zexel manages to detect the presence of her father that's why she smirks.

Zexel let herself be whipped especially in her face that makes Fan Qinyou happier.

"Sister stop it please!" Fan Yaoli was crying as she saw how Zexel be beaten by her Fifth Sister.

She hated herself for being useless and for being weak that she can't even protect herself and now, the person who wanted to protect her was injured because of her.

Zexel activates her crocodile tears as he senses the presence of her Father at the back of Fan Qinyou.

"Please stop it, sister, it hurts. Lihua will never do that again. Lihua will not interrupt you again..." she was crying like a child but really did not feel any emotion.

"And now your begging huh! I'll kill you, bitch!" Fan Qinyou wanted to whip Zexel again but the handle of the whip begun to create a fire.

Fan Qinyou drops the whip as she slowly and fearfully looks at her back. Now, it was Fan Qinyou's turn to pale.


1: Qinggong (輕功) - The use of qinggong has been exaggerated in wuxia fiction, in which martial artists have the ability to move swiftly and lightly at superhuman speed, and perform gravity-defying moves such as gliding on water surfaces, scaling high walls and mounting trees.

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