57: Training The Healers

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Chapter 57: Training The Healers

"Now the class is finish, how can you make the Healers an offensive type?" Dong Mai San ask. He had a twin which is the male beside him. He was too protective to his Classmates. Aside from it, he was the oldest followed by his twin brother. And his sister brother is the youngest too. So he took the Big Brother Role in the healers group.

"I bet you know how to counter poisons right?" All of them nodded. It was one of things they need to know the component of each poison and how it was made to counter it.

"How about this?" An acupuncture needle appear to Zexel's Hand.

"Obviously it is an acupuncture needle," Shen Xiao Fu said. The bookworm of their group. Aside from that, she was the smartest among them. She had a big sister named Shen Min Jin.

"So if you know poison, and this Acupuncture Needle, you also know this poison?" Again, it appears to Zexel's hand.

Shen Min Jing who was the Big Sister of Shen Xiao Fu and the whole group check it. She was also the one who approach Zexel first.

"It has a mugwort," she grimly said. All of them still don't know what is the connection of this things to make the healers an offensive type category.

"If I coat the tips of this poison, and put it there," she aim one of the critical part of a human's body in the chart of thr classroom. All of them look the humab model and confirm it. Zexel use the acupuncture needle to aim that critical part. If the mugwort is in the tips of the acupuncture needle.

"Mostly having that move can kill the victim within 2 seconds. Given the poison and vital points you aim!" Su Den Shao. Her eyes are twinkling as she see it.

"So we need to learn it?" Zexel smile and nodded.

"You'll just need to learn the art of Senbon. Or needles and you can be an offensive type. Healers deals with human Anatomy. So I assume you know every parts of human body, inside and outside. Whicg also gives you the knowledge of knowing where is the vital points and critical points of human body. With this knowledge, together with your knowledge on poisons and acupuncture. It will be extremely easy for you to learn the art of Senbon that deals with needle and human body parts to execute it deadly and accurately," she explain.

"Wow! Why I didn't manage to think about it?" Shao Fu Dao meekly but excitedly said.

"The only thing we need to learn is to aim the needle in human body. And used it while battling," Kang Fu Ling amazingly said. She clap her hand, excited to this new knowledge.

"Aside from it, we know healing need an almost perfect control towards our qi right?" Zexel ask and all of them nodded.

"If you focus your qi in your one finger like this, you can strenghten your finger to be able to do this," then she point her fingesr to the wall as she push it. Then in a second, the wall now had a hole.

To their amazement, Mu Zhen Shi jokely commented about it.

"If just pushing your qi towards your one finger like that and it can already create a hole. Wow, can't imagine if we use it in our full fist," She said as if she was a man. She was one of the boys of their group.

"You can create a big crater if you did what you said. How big you can do? It depends on how control you have and how large Qi you put on your fist," Zexel said and smile.

"Wow, I'm excited to our training. Those Weapon Weilder and Elementalist will drop their jaw if we manage to learn this!" Shao Zhi Zhi laughingly said.

"Well, lets start our hellish training. I think," Dong Ming Dai said with a smile. He was the twin brother of Dong Mai Sai.

"Even if we'll be in hellish training. If it means of getting strong for the next tournament, then I don't care!" Mu Zhen Shi determinely said. She don't care if she get wounded as long as she get her revenge to those Arrogant Elementalist and Weapon Wielder who always berrated and picked them up for points. She will make their life a living hell after they will experience hell here.

Ever since, healer is the weakest among the categories. But now, thanks to Zexel, they will be a powerhouse too and be extremely useful in battles.

All of them agree and determined to be strong too. Zexel look at them with a smile. This stay here in Scarlett will be a good entertainment for the next two years.


As the day of the four plus Leng Fu Ting, Fan Qingyou's day keep getting worst. She pick up the Elementalist as her Catergory. Not reading the Scarlett Academy Guidelines at the same time, not knowing what to do, she keep getting misery.

Elementalist was too arrogant. They are the most arrogant Category as they think that being Elementalist is the most useful and powerful category in the Scarlett. They are also the most crowded class among the category that Scarlett Academy had. They are being followed by Weapon Wielder in terms of students and also in their arrogance.

Not knowing the others are just keep laying low or not interested to their battles. There are Nine Category in the Scarlett Academy. They are Elementalist, Weapon Wielding, Arrayng, Armament Making, Alchemy, Sealing Art, Healers, Combat Fighers, and last but not the least, the Pyschic.

The most who have student is the Elementalist followed by Weapon Wielding. The least who have student is the Healer as they believe that this catergory is useless to battle. Followed by Alchemy and Armament who also didn't get more student because of how hard it was to learn. People who pick this up first will immediately transfer to other Category.



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