10: Another Breakthrough

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Chapter 10: Another Breakthrough

"Master, Miss Fan almost found us. If we did not leave the place or if we leave after that time, your Subordinate will get caught," Mo Yi said while bowing in front of Ming Wangye, Feng Zhengying.

"According to our investigation towards her, she was only Intermediate Primary Spiritualist but when we examine her cultivation, it was already at Low Intermediary Spiritualist. It seems that she's hiding her cultivation. But this subordinate was not entirely convinced that she's hiding it because we manage to check it quickly. She's not hiding it so if someone really wanted to check her cultivation, you will know it immediately," Mo Er added.

Feng Zhengying just stared at them coldly. His eyes are full of danger that if someone was looking with that eyes will think that they will die. He bores a heavy terrifying aura that he accumulates towards the battles he won.

The Prince Title he has only conferred to him as a reward. And this reward was only a mere title and it was even useful to someone.

"She already goes back to the Prime Minister's Manor right now, Master," Mo San said.

Feng Zhengying gestures them to leave so the three of them stand up and bow before they leave.

Feng Zhengying smirks and moves his wheelchair away from his throne.

"Really interesting, let see what can she still do," Feng Zhengying mumbles to himself.


Zexel is inside the Pagoda Ring that night.

Just like the last time, she positions herself beside the river and gathers the Qi in her surrounding. In no time, heat consumes her body as it begins to her toes until it reached her head just like before.

A familiar feeling began to spread in her body as she began to emit a white light around her body indicating that she breakthrough.

She was cultivating for a week until she reaches another level. From Low Intermediary Spiritualist to Intermediate Intermediary Spiritualist.

When she breakthrough to that level, she stop cultivating and went inside the pagoda. She saw Red, Blue, White, and Black was having sparring. They are also cultivating right now with their unique cultivation.

"Guys? Can you also spar with me?" The four of them stop fighting each other and glance at Zexel.

"Are you sure, Master?" Red the Vermillion Bird said. Zexel nodded and position herself into a fighting position.

"Well, you need to choose between the four of us," White the White Tiger said.

"Then Blue, please spar on me," she smiles at Blue the Azure Dragon.

So Azure Dragon went in front of Zexel. After a while, the whole place was replaced by an illusion. It becomes a wide field as the two of them was the only one who's in that illusion.

Zexel increases her alertness. She knew that this sparring will help her to stabilize her cultivation.


Zexel decided to stop her cultivation now so she let herself go back to her body. After she opens her eyes, Zexel smells herself unconsciously. She frowns as she smells so stinky after cultivating.

"Fan Yi, prepare a bath," she orders after she opens her door. She realizes that it was the only morning right now.

After just a while, Fan Yi told her that everything is prepared so she took a bath.

Fan Er helps her to take a bath as she talking to Zexel.

"Miss, did you breakthrough? It's only been one week since you enter seclusion, why did you stop after that? Before, you're cultivating for entire 2 months," Fan Er curiously asks her while scrubbing her back.

She remembers according to the host's future memories, her three servants were extremely loyal to her to the point that all of them died horribly in the hands of that Modern Assassin who transmigrate to Fan Yaoli's body after she died because of poison.

She sighs as she started at Fan Er. The servant felt uncomfortable so she decided to kowtow to Zexel.

"Nubi doesn't mean to be curious. Nubi makes a mistake," Fan Er said while banging her head to the ground.

"Stop it, Fan Er!" Zexel coldly said making Fan Er stop from banging her head.

"This Lady did not speak anything so why did you punish yourself?" Zexel asked her.

"Nubi-" Zexel gestures to her to stop so Fan Er shut her mouth up.

"Yes, this Lady had a breakthrough so this Lady stop from cultivating. After this Lady took a bath, we will go to Big Sister," Zexel said. Fan Er just nodded and sigh as she continues to help Zexel to take a bath.

After a while, Zexel together with her three maids went to Hua Kai Pavillion.

Its only morning and she hadn't taken breakfast after her seclusion. The first thing that she thinks was to have breakfast with Fan Yaoli.

When they reach the Pavilion, she saw Fan Yaoli eating her breakfast. When she got near to her, she smells a strong slow-acting poison and she knows that it was in Fan Yaoli's food.

She stops Fan Yaoli to eat and brings out her silver chopstick. She dips it in Fan Yaoli's food and the tip of the chopstick when black.

Everyone except for Zexel becomes shocked by that. Fan Yaoli decided to threw up the good she eats a while ago.

"Dao Lu, where does your food came from?" Zexel coldly asks.

"From the Kitchen Miss Lihua. The ration came from there," Dou Lu answered.

Zexel grit her teeth. She grabs Fan Yaoli's wrist and checks it. As she expected, there is another poison inside her body.

"From now on, Dao Lu, after you pick up the foods for you miss, throw it away immediately. Don't let others know that your Miss will not eat that. Fan San, always give a decent meal to my Sister from Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, understand?" Dou Wu and Fan San both nodded.

"Let's go, Eldest Sister, we will go to my restaurant and this Sister will feed you a lot of delicious food," Zexel said as she pulls Fan Yaoli to go outside the Manor. They eat and stroll around the Capital again and went back to the Manor.



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