60: The Day Has Come

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Chapter 60: The Day Has Come

Everything seems to be a normal day in Scarlett Academy. But its actually the opposite.

Today is the Ranking Tournament. Healers are all in their Building as everyone is glaring to the new five student.

All of them had a bad vibes to them since they are added to Healer's student just a week before the Tournament which is highly suspicious to them. Unlike Zexel, she join the Healers two months ago after the entrance exam.

This five new student had been on the other catergory so they felt so uncofortable to them. Even Zexel, she felt the bad vibes this five was giving to them. But still, Zexel did not mind as long as they didn't dare to interfere to her goal.

Right now, she need to find an excuse to separate herself to others, unlock the seals that Feng Zhengying made, and last but not the least, find the others to reunite.

Right now, their time is limited for a month. They have an entire months to collect High Grade Beast Core. She's been wary to the five new student so she will told her Clone self to observe them. If they made a suspicious move or put the other healer's live in danger, put them into their place. She also plan to help them develope more battle experience so she will let them hunt beast.

They made plan in their building. Actually it is a decoy plan, if they bite the bait, then Healers will make this five's lives a miserable one. They already made plan two weeks ago in their training.

Every Healers are tok satisfied to the result of their traing bur for now, theg need teamwork. Their numbers are actuay quite advantageous.

Since they are fewer than others, they can make more little moves to hunt. They also plan to utilize their individual skills to try it for the first time.

As the Students of Scarlett Academy, they gather in the open field which everyone was being organize by Category and by Group. She saw Fan Yaoli with her group. She smile to her so Zexel reply a smile too.

"Welcome to the Annual 116th Ranking Tournament of Scarlett Academy!" Basically, they just tell everyone the Rules of First Phase.

Each team will consist of 25 and below. Mostly they are teaming up by classes. They will collect Beast Core as a group. The higher beast Core Grade, the higher points they will get. Aside from that, stealing, threatening groups, abusing weaks, are all allowed. But killing will be forbidden. The top 20 teams who collect the highest points will be included to the next round.

Before Zexel told them the plan last two weeks, they thought that the fewer member they have, more disadvantages to their part. They just manage to grasp what Zexel said and process to theirselves.

They manage to conclude that being few means more advantage. Zexel's plan was actually flawless to the Healers' eyes.

They admire her for coming up for this kind of plan.

As the portal open, many group stick together and went to the venue. As for Zexel, just after they went inside, she speedily open the seals and gave orders to it.

So just after a few seconds, she manage to separate herself from them. This similar situation happen to Feng Zhengying, Feng Ming Li, and Fan Yaoli. Using their soul traces, they manage to reunite to one another just after they separate theirselves to their group.

"So lets go and Find that Crystal!" Zexel declared. Feng Zhengying hold Zexel's hand and smile. Now, they begun to Find the trace of Fu Clan's Crystal.


Zexel's clone assist the Healers how to hunt Beasts and their Core. It is part of their training so they manage to get a lot of it. With Zexel's help of course.

But Zexel's clone can feel the greed of the five new student. The others can feel it too but they pretend not to. As of now, they are hunting an Eight Grade Beast which they accidentally meet.

But in Zexel's clone's eyes, it is not an accident. She can feel another presences nearby. So she help the others to finish the Beast.

Thru out the process, manay of them suffer a wounds as the Beast is too agressive. And since they are weak as they heal themselves. The presence nearby reveal themselves.

"Hand us over your beast core or you'll suffer more blows," their Leader said while grinning.

The five student who just join their class week ago begun to put knifes in another five Healer's neck.

"Hand it over them," they all said.

"Traitor! I knew it!" Shen Min Jing said, gritting her teeth. But the three boys manage to act fastly. They pierce a senbon to each vital of the other group and the five traitor of their group.

The other group realize that they can't move. Zexel smirk and begun to make a forcing to follow seals to the leader and the other.

"Hand us over all your beast core and tools," Zexel said. They widen their eyes as they forcably follow Zexel's command. They tried to resist but the seals just make their body painful until the commander have what she want. After Zexel got what she need to this Elementalists, the three boys knock them up and tie them in each tree.

"Don't you remember? You still need us. If yoh left us here, even if you manage to collect more beast core than others, if your not complete, you'll still be disqualified," one of the five said and laugh evilly.

"We know," Shao Zhi Zhi said and knock them up. Zexel put them in a pocket dimensions where White the White Tiger and Blue the Azure Dragon is temporarily going to guard them and scared them to core before they will be release.

All of them sigh after the other opponent's first attempt to subdue them. Now they continue to hunt more beast core.



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