59: Ranking Tournament's Rules

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Chapter 59: Ranking Tournament's Rules

Its been two months since they enter the Academy. All of them, except Fan Qingyou excell so much to their field. Although it happen, still they a bit low profile.

The healers was too satisfied to their training as their schedule become everyday after two weeks of training under Zexel's hellish method of training. They become confident on their own.

So unlike before that they abhor the Ranking Tournament seeping to their bone, now, they are looking forward to test their newly found skills for healing. Something they didn't know that it is possible if not Zexel told them.

Of course, Zexel know this kind of fighting stance as she love to aim the vital points and dangerous points of human's body.

Sometimes, if she was to lazy to kill, it is the method she use often in the modern era. So the healers are all grateful to her and ready to present in thr silver platter the loyalty they promise to her.

Aside from the hellish training they did, their cultivation also rise in a whole new level. It is because of a lot of pills they use as a lot of them are only in Earthly Spiritualist. Which is the weakest cultivation in the Scarlett Academy.

Except for Fan Qingyou who was only Peak Senior Spiritualist. She is the weakest among them as she only barely pass. Even though, she was one of the lucky person came from Seventh Tier Country like Pingjing Country who didn't even manage to pass any person for 15 years. Which not bad to her.

On the other hand, Fan Qingyou change from proud Fifth Miss of Pingjing Dynasty to a loss dog whi follow her master. She become the subject of bullying in the Elementalist Category who had over 1,500 student.

Why did they only have a lower number of student? Simple they are only staying in Scarlett Academy for 4 years and the next entrance exam is every 3 years only. Given the numbers of people who pass the test, its not that surprising that the numbers of students is quite low.

Aside from that, they can cut their stay here for 2 years if they are already satisfied to their cultivation inside. It is was the four are going to do.

Now that two months had pass, the Ranking Tournament will happen tomorrow sa people are now preparing for it.

The Ranking Tournament had three stage, first the teamwork. The elimination here will also be by team. This is where Healers are often being Eliminated immediately si they don't have a chance to advance in second stage.

Each team will consist of 25 and below. Mostly they are teaming up by classes. Healers only have 14 member before Zexel appear so it is one of their disadvantages.

They will collect Beast Core as a group. The higher beast Core Grade, the higher points they will get. Aside from that, stealing, threatening groups, abusing weaks, are all allowed. But killing will be forbidden. The top 20 teams who collect the highest points will be included to the next round.

The next test will also be a team test. But each group will only be consist of 5 or below people per group. So the first group you have will only be divided into by 5. So this group will have 100 teams to compete.

Each team will get ribbons. Red for the group leader which will be equivalent of 50 points and white for the members who will only have 10 points. The rules is to get many ribbons as you can.

Of course there is a twist. The place where the test will happen have a higher gravity than normal. So their limited movements will also be a hindance. Aside from that, there will be a special ribbon colored Black that had 1,000 each. They will get it to the Eight Grade beast above who are immune to gravity so it will be suicidal.

The top 10 groups who will get the biggest points will proceed to the next level which is the last.

It is the one on one battle. You will be on your own. There is Four stage to finish in this level. The Quarter Finals which the top 50 will proceed. Semi finals which the top 25 will enter the finals. Then the Finals which is the top 12 will proceed for the Grand Finals. There will be a three way battle in Finals so the one who will proceed in Grand Finals will only be consist of 6 people.

This six people will battle to each other until they will get the Second Place, First Place, and Grand Champion.

Of course the Scarlett Academy is too generous on their own. The prize is something that every person in Scarlett Academy dream of to get. Of course the fun part is, it will only revealed in the end of Competition.

This makes the other find themselves intk anticipation. As the others are preparing for tomorrow's battle, Zexel, Feng Zhengying, Fan Yaoli, and Feng Ming Li was only drinking tea in Zexel's Cabin. Their things is already been sealed to their skin so they only need to pull it up if they need it.

"Are you sure about this information?" Feng Zhengying said. They just finisg listening to Zexel's instructions.

Zexel nodded. She sip her tea as they look out to the maps.

"So we need to assemble in first test to get this dam Crystal. We need to do it without our original group knowing it. What the hell!" Feng Ming Li burst out. Fan Yaoli just laugh to him.

"You know Ah'Li, sealing is quiet useful Category. We can seal a clone for us to have temporary body. Then will get this Fu clan's crystal to this place," Fan Yaoli said.

"Oh," Feng Ming Li said.

"By the way, is it true that there are four added student in Healer Category? How did it happen?" Fan Yaoli ask.

"It is something about their Qi. I don't exactly know the story," Zexel said.

"You need to observe them first," Feng Zhengying said seriously.

"Hmm... I will," Zexel Answer.

She is looking forward to what will happen tomorrow.



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