25: Transmigrated Fan Yaoli

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Chapter 25: Transmigrated Fan Yaoli

"Who are you?" Fan Yaoli was shock after Zexel ask her this question.

They are just with each other for almost a whole incent. How did this sister of her knows that she was not the real Fan Yaoli.

She also don't know why but why did she feel so scared in front of her. As is she was a monster or even worst.

In her entire life, it was the first time that she felt fear. She was fearless when she was in the Modern World. She never fear anyone even the death itself so she know that the woman in her front was not ordinary.

After a while, Fan Yaoli saw Zexel's eyes glowing and glaring to her making Fan Yaoli really, really nervous.

"Fan Yaoli, a 21st century Assassin died with an explosion," Fan Yaoli's eyes become wide and her expression become shock. In just a while, her 'Sister' already know that she was not the real Fan Yaoli.

"So she was really dead..." Fan Yaoli saw the sadness to Zexel's eyes, even her eyes was a bit watery as if she will going to cry anytime.

"Last two years, she had a fatal slow acting poison that if it was not cured, she will going to die in two years. I did my best to find the cure and I did. I thought she will never die but look what happen, she still die," Fan Yaoli can't help it.

The tears in her eyes begun to fall making Fan Yaoli much more guilty to what happen.

"I-I'm sorry..." Fan Yaoli can't help but to hug Zexel and comfort her.

"It's not your fault. We can't tell when will a person die. Just like you, you did not have an intention to occupy her body just like what happen to me two years ago," Zexel escape to Fan Yaoli's hug and smile to her while wiping her tears.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Fan Yaoli was confuse. She doesn't understand what Zexel mean.

"I'm also a transmigrator from 21st Century," she smile brightly and stand up.

"I'm Zexel Uenna Giovanni, one fourth Chinese, one fourth British, one fourth Filipina, one fourth Greek. I'm also involve in underground community codename, Dark Blood," then she bow.
Zexel examine Fan Yaoli's expression and the shock that she expected was not visible to her face but a happiness.

Her eyes was twinkling as if she saw her idol.

"Dark Blood? The Mafia Queen of the Underground Community? The person who rules the entire Underground after her reign? The person who massacre a lot of organisation by herself making her fear by everyone who wanted to offend her?" Zexel brows met as she was confuse why Fan Yaoli was happy.

"Uhm yes, why?" She casually said as if she just did an ordinary deeds.

"I'm your Fan!" Fan Yaoli hugs her tightly and her cheeks was slightly redden.

"Its too rare to have a powerful woman in Underground Community. Much more a woman who had a power. You become my inspiration before thats why I become the number one Assassin in China. Sadly I only manage to be rank 15 in whole world before I die," Zexel don't know whether she will laugh or cry on what Fan Yaoli said but she force her self to smile with her.

"Then, you will see me everyday from now on since your body was technically the body of my Sister," she smile as she saw Fan Yaoli's eyes twinkling.

"Can you train me? Then teach me a lot of combat moves," Fan Yaoli excitedly said.

"Well, if that's what you want, I'll trained you but not only your combat, You will also cultivate. When you reach the Low Intermediary Spiritualist, we'll attend the Scarlett School to cultivate much more," Fan Yaoli nodded and smile.

Her long time inspiration will be her trainer at the same time, her Sister too.

She was overwhelm by the happenings for today but at the same time, she was alao happy that this thing happen.

"I'll leave you here for a while, take a rest," Fan Yaoli nodded again and lay herself to the bed.

She close her eyes and take a rest not knowing that a purple smoke was forming to her ring finger. A magenta ring form to her ring finger as her consious begun to enter her Pagoda.

A strong wind wake her up as she saw herself in the grass beside the crystalic river.

"You're a awake..." a cold voice of a man happens to linger around which makes Fan Yaoli find where the voice came from.

"Who are you?" After she ask, a majestic Flaming Phoenix landed to her then the Phoenix become a handsome young man who dress like an Ancient Royalty.

He has a crown to his head and emitting a cold aura surrounds her.

"Name me..." the man coldly said.

"Uh? I need to name you? Well, okay. I'll call you Han Yu," Fan Yaoli said.

Han Yu just nodded and did not reply.

"Uhm? Where am I?" Fan Yaoli ask so she can break the awkwardness in both of them.

"Divine Majestic Pagoda Ring," Fan Yaoli knot her eyebrows because of confusion.

She can't understand what was Han Yu said.

"Ask your sister," another phrase that Han Yu said.

"Cultivation place..." Fan Yaoli felt dizzy talking to Han Yu. She doesn't know why Han Yu was too lazy to talk.

Anyway, Fan Yaoli can even feel the abundance of the Energy inside the Ring. So she maditate and try to focus to herself.

After a while, she still don't know what to do since she did not have any idea towards the cultivation.

Fan Yaoli tried to examine herself since she was a renowned doctor aside from being Assassin.

There is nothing wrong to her body. In fact, it was healthy but too weak to compare to her last body.

Now, she needs to train it so she will be fitted to be the strongest woman in modern era's Disiple.


I'll stop the daily update from today. I'll be busy starting today. Sorry Violets


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