29: Fan Yaoli's First Step

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Chapter 29: Fan Yaoli's First Step

"I can see through his character with one glance," Zexel reply. Fan Yaoli did not even get surprise to what Zexel said.

She long know that Zexel is no ordinary woman. And now she did know one of her skills.

"By the way, Ms Zexel, I wanted to build a business in the Capital. I long thought that I wanted to get better just like you," Zexel just nodded as she knows that Fan Yaoli will certainly crave for being strong.

"I know that you are a person who don't want to ask help to others. But I'm offering my hands for you just in case you need it. I won't force you nor help you if you did not ask for help because I am certainly guessing that you'll not ask for it," Fan Yaoli nodded and smile.

"Remember, I am your sister in this world. I did crave it previously and now that I have you, you can lean on me," Zexel know that the transmigrated Fan Yaoli was a proud woman so she knows that she will grow on her own strength.


The next day, Fan Yaoli headed to the Capital to stroll around. She's been in this world for one month so she had a lot of things in her Pagoda.

It was one of her hobby aside from training with Zexel. She will stay to her Pagoda and make pills, arnaments, elixir, weapons and many more.

She first think on how to have a money. She knows who rich Zexel was but just like what she said, she wanted to grow with her own ability so Fan Yaoli did not ask for money to Zexel.

As she stroll around, she saw a shopkeeper who wanted to remove their Plaque outside. She saw the Plaque and already knows that it was an Auction house.

A bright idea pop in to her mind as she immediately approach the shopkeeper.

"Sir, may this lady ask if why did you wanted to remove the Plaque in this Auction house?" Zexel ask politely. The shopkeeper has a gloomy aura as if he was mourning to his dead family.

"The Auction House in the first street wanted to surpass this auction. They stole all our costumer as well as our client by offering a generous deals. All of them become too tempted and this Auction House did bot even had a decent event for the past years," Fan Yaoli can already tell how did this Shopkeeper value this Auction House.

"What about the owner? Where is he? He should be the one who's solving this kind of problem," Fan Yaoli ask.

She decided to use this Auction house as her first business. First of all she don't have money. Auction House can guarantee money since her things are all valuable.

"The owner had long give up this Auction house since the other party has a connection to the Empress. This old one was the only one who wanted this Auction House to be open. Even the deeds of the lot of this Auction House was already in my hand," the shopkeeper really wanted to continue this business since this Auction House become his Shelter before.

He has a debt in the founder of this Auction and he wanted to repay it from serving this Auction House and keep it alive.

"So you're not only the one who keeps this Auction House but the owner too?" The Shopkeeper nodded slowly making Fan Yaoli smiles to him.

"Well Shopkeeper, this Lady was lucky to met a person like you. Lets make a deal inside and this Lady will give you a good offer," the Shopkeeper become shock but he become grateful and let the stranger lady to him to go inside.

They went to the Auction House's Office.

After they sit Fan Yaoli's face become serious as she immediately told the shopkeeper anout her intention.

"I wanted to collaborate to this Auction House at the same time, this Lady wanted to acquire this shop to become one of the place where this Lady can dispose a lot of unwanted things to my Space Ring," the Shopkeeper was a bit confuse but after Fan Yaoli bring out the Third Grade Arnaments and Third Grade Pills, the shopkeeper nearly drop his jaw on the ground.

"These are the pile of junk in my Space Ring and this Lady did not know how to dispose this so I'll let you Auction these here but this Auction House will be mine," the Shopkeeper knows that if the Auction House will be in the hand of Fan Yaoli, it has a huge possibility that the Auction House can continue to prosperity.

Fan Yaoli make a contract and the shopkeeper already agree to her so they release a news that they will Auction a Third Grade Armaments and Third Grade Pills which spread to the Capital like a fire.

The next day, they release the list of all the Armaments and Pills that they will Auction.

This news was already acquired by the subordinates of Zexel. She just smirk as she already expect this event ever since the Transmigrated Fan Yaoli talk to her.

She knows that woman's ability although its lacking to her aspect but Zexel knows that she can compete to her.

"Let her do what she wants. I know that can do it so don't help her not until she wants our help. Just protect her in the dark," Zexel said to her Shadow Guards which is Fifty-two, Fifty-four, Fifty-Six, Fifty-eight and sixty.

It was the body guard she assign for Fan Yaoli.

"You never fails to surprise me, Fan Yaoli. You are really worthy to become my sister," Zexel can't help herself but to smirk. In just a month, she already acquire her first business.

Zexel wants to see how far Fan Yaoli can go with her own eyes and not just to rely in her Host's Future memories.



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