34: Zexel's Past II

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Chapter 34: Zexel's Past II

Zexel can feel the bullet penetrate her flesh as she can immediately felt that she begun to get weak.

Zexwl cough a mouthful of blood as her lips was full of her rusty blood and didn't know what to do.

Because of her situation, she begun to get panic as she stared to Jason that is trying to assist her to stand. She saw the panic in his faces but she didn't know why, she can't see any worry to his eyes.

"Zee, stand up please don't lose hope, I'm sure reinforcement will come to us," Jason's voice is trembling and still trying to leave the place but still even Zexel can't assist herself.

She push Jason and stare to him lovingly. "J-jee le-leave no-now," Zexel gathered her last strength as she grab the gun near to a corpse. She did not hesitate to trigger the gun and shot them with all her might before she completely fall on the ground.

But as soon as she finish them, she saw Jason went to her front. She smiled but as soon as she saw him holding a gun and point it to her, it fades away.

She saw a ruthless smile as if the person in her front was not her beloved man.

She felt too weak right now and she knows that even her sight begun to get blurry.

"How was the experience, Zee?" A ruthless question that came from the mouth of her beloved makes her even more weak.

"You're too soft. I did not know that you will fall to this kind of scheme. By the way I am the mastermind behind this incident. I told you right? I have a surprise for you," Jason mock her as he kick her back near to the wounds that she got.

"From now on, I will be the most powerful person in the underworld. So thank you for your sacrifices Zee. I promise, I'll take care the underworld for you. You can rest assure now," Jason smiled to her just like how he smile before. But Zexel find it not the same as before, she find it disgusting as if she wanted to vomit blood again.

As thinking of this, she begun to vomit a mouthful of blood again.

"Nine years of enduring your face, your gesture, your kiss and even saying I loge you to you was all worth it. But you, its too disgusting. If not for your power, I wouldn't even stick to you. A murderer and a ruthless woman like deserve to die. I'm merely taking justice to all the people you've kill before," she saw the disgusting face of him as she remember everything they been before.

She bitterly smile as she promise herself not to love again.

"Yo-you thi-think, I'll le-let y-you? Well you're wrong," as soon as Jason saw the ruthless smile on Zexel's face he begun to panic. He immediately shot her multiple times but before the last breath of Zexel, she press his accupoints in his legs so his body immediately paralize.

She get the granade in her pocket and open it up making Jason panic but cannot retailed. He cannot even move his body after what Zexel did.

"Lets die together so that all your endurance and scheme will all go waste," her voice was already trembling as her sight begun to blur. All she wanted to do right now was to sleep. She close her eyes as she felt the impact of the grenade to her body before she completely consume by the darkness.


Zexel woke up as her whole body begun to sweat. She can still see that she's wearing an ancient clothes just like how she sleep.

Because of this, she immediately summon her three servant to make then prepare for her bath. She felt too uncomfortable because of that nightmare, or rather to say her bad memories.

She had long dream that nightmare but she don't know why today, she dream it again.

After her three servant, Fan Yi, Fan Er, Fan San, prepared the bathe of warm water, she let them sleep and she immediately soak her naked body into it.

Her minds become blank as she thinks about what's happening but she can't think a reason why did she dream it.

Until she did not know how many time past but when her consciousness back, the warm water was now cold. She immediately rise and change her clothes before she roam around her Headquarters.

There are still few people who was roaming around and the others are making theirselves happy. A lot of activity can do inside and the whole place was really interesting to everyone.

Even if they stay in HQ for how many days or even years, they will not feel bored. But of course, everyone was still doing there jobs and their missions for exchange to this extravagant life.

They did not even felt that their job was difficult because they know that they will be rewarded.

They are already satisfied to this kind of life by following their leader.

As Zexel was roaming around. She can she the typical scenarios inside the HQ. She remember the time in her past, everything was like this. But there are still difference because her organisation before was full of greed and never even satisfied to the privilege of being her subordinates.

She knows that her death is not entirely planned by Jason. She knows that someone deliberately planned this with Jason.

She knows how capable her Ex-Boyfriend and from the scheme that Jason do, it was something that her boyfriend can't do.

She can see through a person ever since her past life but she never see through Jason before. There are only two possible reason to this occurrence.

First, it was in her fault and Jason was too capable on hiding his emotion and by the time that she down her guards, it was the time that Jason started his plan. The second was Jason was brainwashed halfway after she let her guard down to her.

Someone deliberately let Jason know what can he have if he kill her and he was blinded by greed.

And for reasoning, second wad the most possible option that makes Zexel too sure that there are still a people behind Jason.



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