14: First Session

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Chapter 14: First Session

"So can you cure me?" Feng Zhengying was hoping that this lass can help him. He has been living in the dark for 5 years.

He was only 16 when he fall in his last battle. After defending the boarder for 6 years, no one even paid attention to him thats why he did created a fraction in the dark for him to do a lot of things for convenience.

If this Lass can cure him, he will have a huge debt to her in his whole life.

"Yes, this Lady can cure you for two weeks. You're too lucky since you manage to look for my help earlier. Because after 2 years, we will need a lot of years before this Lady can cure you," Zexel explain.

"So what should Benwang needs to do? And when will be start?" Feng Zhengying ask.

"We can start now, you just need to lay you body facing the bed," Zexel help Feng Zhengying to lay his body in his bed.

She position him in thr most comfortable way she knows before she bring out her newly made needle.

Zexel skillfully put all the needles she need for so that the half of the poison will be release.

"How did Benwang had a poison? Even the godly doctor Liu Bai did not manage to detect it," Feng Zhengying ask her while she was in thr middle of session.

"This kind of poison was really hard to detect. But this Lady use a special method so this Lady manage to detect it. After this session, this Lady needs to go back to my restaurant since my servants was under training. This Lady will go back here every night since This Lady had a lot of things to do everyday," she explain while releasing a water power in her hand to flow in each needle.

After a minute, the water becomes black as she puts it in a big jar. Then she carefully take out every needle and use the fire power she has to cleanse the needle for disinfecting it before she bring it back to her needle holder.

"Done, this Lady already release the half of your poison. Since your cultivation is low, your body will not handle the second session today. Even if you are laying in that bed, your body will feel exaustion after just a minute. For now, rest then after two hours, you need to take a bathe with a warm water. This Lady will let your subordinate to buy herbs for your daily tonic and this Lady will teach him how to do it," Zexel explain.

Zexel doesn't know why she was easily persuaded by this guy in front of her but she did not want to think of it since she was too lazy.

Feng Zhengying begun to feel the exaution so he just change his position ans take a rest for a while.

"Do you have a female subordinate? It was much more convinient if your female subordinate who will handle this task," she added.

"Mo Er!" Feng Zhengying just called someone and a female in a black robe appeared to her front. Zexel just stared the girl and raised her eye brow.

"Uhm, Your Highness, are you sure that she a female? She looks like a male," Zexel confusely said.

The other four subordinate of Feng Zhengying almost laugh because of what Zexel said.

"Anyways, since you are the person the his highness call, this Lady is pretty sure that you are really a girl," she added.

Mo Er sigh and bow slightly to Zexel.

"Here, purchase this herbs. Make sure that each of it will last long for 2 weeks," she said and give the percription to Mo Er.

After Mo Er accept the paper, she immediately vanish in the sight of Zexel.

While waiting, she bring out a candle and and lift a fire in. Then she open her needle holder and disinfect it for the second time.

"Thank you..." a low voice of Feng Zhengying said.

Zexel stop from what qas she doing and stared to Feng Zhengying. She stare him confusely.

"Thank you for what?" She ask curiously.

"For giving this Prince hope that Benwang can walk again. Benwang almost give up hoping after trying many times that Benwang will be cured. So thank you so much. Benwang will owe you for the rest of his life," Feng Zhengying's subordinate become shock because it was the first time they heard their Master thanking someone and open a thing up to someone.

Perhaps, Zexel was a miracle to them and they are all happy that their Mastet is not cold right now. They can see a gentleness to their Master's eyes which is new to them.

"Don't thank me, its really not a big deal. By the way, can this Lady take home this liquid poison that this Lady got to your body? This Lady will study the percription of this kind of poison," Zexel said while letting Feng Zhengying see the jar of Black Liquid.

"How did that liquid poison takes out in Benwang's body without wetting Benwang's clothes?" Feng Zhengyinh said.

"Well, this Lady use the needle as a channel so that the liquid will not wet your clothes," Zexel said. Feng Zhengying just nodded and continue to rest.

After a while, Mo Er appear again in the sight of Zexel with a large bag of herbs in her back. Zexel order another subordinate of Feng Zhengying to have a large box container for the herbs.

After a second she got it, she put the herbs according to the order of the tonic. She teach Mo Er on how to the the tonic and she let her to give it to Feng Zhengying.

Without a hestation, Deng Zhengying drank the tonic that Mo Er and Zexel prepare. And in just s minute, he can already feel the effects of the tonic. It was warm and really good to his feeling.

"This Lady will be back tomorrow. Please drive me to my Restaurant," she smile before she leaves making Feng Zhengying's heart to be in Chaos.


Acupuncture needles

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Acupuncture needles


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