32: Making fool of his self

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Chapter 32: Making fool of his self

"Jie-jie, Mei-mei," tears flow in the eyes of Fan Qingyou as she stared to them. She looks pitiful that if someone did not see the whole event, they will pitied her.

"This sister is wrong. Please go back to our family. Sister Yaoli, I'm sorry if I fell in love with the crown prince. You can slap me, scold me, or even beat me, just don't blame them," she cried and cried but no one sympathise her since everyone saw how she let herself fall.

No one sympathise except the Crown Prince and Fan Family.

"You! How could you push your sister? She's too kind and gentle and even want the two of you to go back to the Fan Family!" Feng Guan Xi suddenly shout.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, it must be mistake, ms Fan Qingyou suddenly fell before she even reach them. Everyone can be witness right?" The people all nodded. They know that the two will be on a disadvantage.

They pitied the pair of sister as they remember that they don't have any backer now. And their so called sister begun to slander them.

Fan Qingyou immediately stand up and hide behind Fan Xuan Yan. Her head bow down to shame. She did not consider the people in her surrounding.

She just consider the Crown Prince and her father. The Prime Minister stared coldly to the one who spoke to the two of them.

"Are you saying that my daughter deliberately fall and hurt herself just to frame this insignificant people?" Fan Xuan Yan ask coldly to that person.

That person did not speak again, afraid to offend the Prime Minister. But because of the incident, the gentle and kind facade of Fan Qingyou already shattered to their heart.

They will tell their daughter not befriend her anymore. She can frame her own sister, whats more the outsider? Of Course they don't want their daughters to get in trouble.

The people begun to fall in line to get their items and pay with the bet they told before. But the Crown Prince wanted to be high profiled since he wanted to show off.

Just like a while ago, the ZUG Company actually give him face by giving him way to have the Full Armor Thunder Attribute.

"I like to get my armor first," Feng Guan Xi said highly and arrogantly. Shopkeeper Lan immediately let Feng Guan Xi see the armor.

Feng Guan Xi give him the jade of Cang Qian[1] Bank and proudly look to shopkeeper Lan. It has 1 Billion Gold inside so he did not even discover that something was amiss.

He thought that he just need to pay 3.6 Million Gold so he can save more money. The people begun to gossip the crown prince for being too rich making his image much high than before.

By the time that the shopkeeper had the jade, he immediately check the content of the jade and his browse knitted after he check it.

"Uhm, Crown Prince, the content of your jade is not enough from the money you bet," the shopkeeper carefully told the Crown Prince afraid to offend him.

"What do you mean its not enough? That jade had 1 Billion Gold. Its enough from the money This Prince bet," Feng Guan Xi begun to get irriatated as he spoke to the shopkeeper.

"Brother, the Full Armor Thunder Attribute use Big Gold Coin to take bets. If you had 1 Billion Gold Coin, you still had 2.6 Billion debt if you want to convert it to Gold Coins. It was repeated four times before the the shopkeeper begun the betting in the Armor," Feng Ming Li explain making the Crown Prince and Fan Family paled immediately.

By that time, the people inside the office secretly ridicule the Crown Prince for being shameless.

It was also the time that he recall what happen upstair. He stared coldly to Fan Qingyou making her afraid to the Crown Prince.

She remember that he was too focus on comforting Fan Qingyou so he miss out the announcement. He just now realize why everyone was only betting too little when the betting start.

"We can't give you the items not until you pay the whole payment Crown Prince. It was a rule to all Auction House around Pingjing Country. Please don't make things difficult to this old man, your highness," the shopkeeper is not sweating so much as he avoid the Cold gaze of the Crown Prince.

"Why Big Brother? You don't have enough Money? Then why did you bet too high? Are you going to tell them that it was the Auction House negligence? Why you didn't hear the announcement of the Shopkeeper before? Was it more important than to listen to the announcement?" Feng Ming Li was mocking him from his mouth to his eye, Feng Guan Xi can see how Feng Ming Li want to laugh to him making him too irriatated.

"Brother, there are still a lot of people who want to claim their items. Would you mind to give way?" Right now, he regret everything.

He should not pursue the betting before when the ZUG Company raise their bet. He should give the armor to them. But now, everything was now doom. He knows he will ear lost because of his impulsiveness.

Because of that, the Crown Prince force to give instruction to his subordinate to tell everything from his mother. And after a while, his mother give a jade with 2.6 Billion Gold inside. And that was how the Crown Prince had the Armor.

Feng Zhengying smirk as the silhouette of Feng Guan Xi faded to his sight.

"I'm sure they ate too nuch lost to that Armor. Who told them not to listen? You're right, Ms Fan, there would be an entertainment here," Feng Ming Li laugh since the Crown Prince was actually the last person who claim his item.

And what happen now, begun to spread around the Capital making Fan Qingyou and Feng Guan Xi too popular to all of maiden and lad around.


1: Cang Qian (藏錢) -Hiding Money


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