45: Zexel and Feng Zhengying's Wedding

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Chapter 45: Zexel and Feng Zhengying's Wedding.

Two months had pass and the wedding is already been spreading in each corner of the whole Pingjing Capital. They call the two as the unfortunate couple since one was a cripple and one was 'banish' to their family.

Fan Xuan Yan was displeased to the wedding but he did not say it nor act to stop it.

It was is ex-daughters choice. First of all, she was already remove to their family second, she did not have a power nor will have a power to marry the cripple prince.

He was more focus to his beloved daughter, Fan Qingyou's wedding as well as her growth towards cultivation.

On the other hand, the Emperor really rush it and tomorrow was actually the day of the wedding. He can't help but to smile as he thought that he really gain so much to the Epidemic Event that happens to the Capital.

The income was divided to half and they give it equally to Zexel which really makes her laugh at the nativity of the emperor. How could he become the emperor if he can't see any conspiracy nor see some suspicious to what really was happening? Too bad she knows her own plan was going smoothly to this.


The wedding started early in the morning where Feng Zhengying make sure that this wedding of them will be really, really memorable to Zexel. He was excited but also nervous as he will just marry the most influential person in their whole World.

He thought how lucky he was to have Zexel in his life and how his life change after he met her. He don't really know but he will do everything to make her happy.

After the wedding they will proceed to the next plan and that was their training to wait for the examination for Scarlet Academy.

Zexel was fetch using the most elegant sedan and a lot of guards in the hand of Feng Zhengying. She wore the wedding dress that she personally design as she wanted to make this wedding really memorable to her. He was picked by Feng Zhengying and proceed to the ceremony of their wedding.

Lanterns are hang on Ming Wangfu although it didn't change the terrifying aura, it was still lively as the people of the Ming Wangfu was excited to their Wangfei.

The ceremony was started by the Emperor itself and let them proceed to the tradition of weddings.

Zexel wait to her chamber until Feng Zhengying appear to their room.

"Li'er..." Feng Zhengying and Zexel drank and ear until they both get heated.

"Ah'ying..." Zexel took initiate and kiss Feng Zhengying.

She can taste the minty yet taste of alcohol to his mouth. She felt she got addicted again and again to his kisses.

Feng Zhengying let his instinct to move and crushed Zexel's lips as he continue to roam to her body. He gently removed her wedding dress.

Seeing her naked, makes Feng Zhengying go insane and completely devour by his lust.


Early in the morning, the two still didn't want to stop from their whole night love making. The noises are only be heard to the room since they seal it.

As the noon comes, it was only the time that they stop and Feng Zhengying interlock their hand as he hugs her under their blanket.

"Thank you, Li'er," He smile as he was really satisfied to what happen to them.

Zexel smile and close her eyes. She needs to rest.

"Sweet dreams," Feng Zhengying said and kissed her forehead. Both of them was devour of the darkness as they sleep.


Feng Ming Li started their second plan and that was their training in Mt Chuxian. Zexel's people will also join the training as they will be proceed to a lot of trainings.

After that, the four of them will take an examination to scarlet academy for the next plan. They will need to do it so that if they proceed to the next, they will not encounter any problem.

Feng Ming Li sigh as he still can't process how the two grow so much like this. He was actually under Fan Yaoli's teaching in Armaments since he wanted to learn and his attribute was completely fit to this mastery.

Fan Yaoli just came from her travels towards the village and immediately attend her sister's wedding. She was so happy to the two since she knows that both of then are really in love.

As she came back she saw Feng Ming Li who happens to be in the Armament's refining room.

"Your fire was not controlled. Good job," Fan Yaoli said with a smile.

Feng Ming Li smile too and started to concentrate to his own job.

"So what are we really going to do in Scarlett Academy besides studying a lot of cultivation technique?" Fan Yaoli ask and lit the fire on her own cauldron.

"I really don't know. But I know that she will do something their so we can proceed to take over," Feng Ming Li said.

"In our timeline, every moves she do was all had an advantage to her. He will not be the Mafia Queen if she was not cunning. She was my idol every since I enter the underground society. Although she was brutal and ruthless to her enemy, she was kind and gentle to her own people. Just look at the people who serves her here. All of them had a good life because of her. I just wish I can help her or be at her level," Fan Yaoli said.

"You are also unique on your own. Beside you are also came from that era right? You also do a lot of things and both of you has a weakness and strength so don't belittle your self. You are one of the people here in this era who can do an impossible deeds," Feng Ming Li said as he put the items he need.

"Maybe you're right. Thank you, Ming Li," Fan Yaoli's cheeks got heated as well as Feng Ming Li so the atmosphere turns into awkward moment.


I felt this chapter was useless. I felt so awkward writing this.

Next Update: Sunday


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