16: Decorating the Restaurant

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Chapter 16: Decorating the Restaurant

After two weeks, the session of Feng Zhengying and Zexel was not complete. The only things that Feng Zhengying needs to do was to continue to practice his legs to walk again.

He was now completely healed by Zexel which makes everyone, including Feng Zhengying to become grateful to her.

Zexel was only monitoring the three hours practice of Feng Zhengying to the Parallel bars.

After their session, they eat snack together.

"So your Highness, what's your plan after you complete this therapy? The time that you can now walk anytime you want," Zexel open up the topic towards the two of them since Feng Zhengying was really quiet.

"Still need to pretend that Benwang was still crippled. If they know that Benwang can walk again, everyone will scheme towards this Prince," Feng Zhengying coldly said.

Zexel was already used on how Feng Zhengying was talking to her. His tone was like a robot, it was without a emotion. His face was stoic and barely smile in their session. She was used to it since it was also her Facade whe she was facing her People in her Mafia.

She was only cold inside her Mafia head quarters but outside the HQ, she was two faced and loves to act according to her taste.

So Zexel was immune to Feng Zhengying and she did not mind how cold his tone was. The only thing that she wanted to him was to reply to her.

"After we eat, why don't you try to examine your cultivation if it was back from your peak," Feng Zhengying nodded to him as they finish their own meals.

After that, they both examine his cultivation. It was in Low Earthly Spiritualist making Zexel shock to his cultivation. It was too high from a person who came from a ninth grade country like Pingjing Country.

"My cultivation peak was back," Feng Zhengying smiled to Zexel and hugs her making her blush because of it.

But after a second, Zexel push him away gentle.

"So-sorry," Feng Zhengying avoid to make an eye contact to Zexel making the surrounding so awkward.

"Uhm, this Lady needs to go back now, this Lady need to rest since tomorrow was the day that we will make our plaque and decorate this Lady's Restaurant," she said.

She flew using her Qinggong and went inside her courtyard to sleep.


Early in the morning Zexel was about to seek out when she bumb to his Father.

"Fan Lihua, where are you going?" Her jerk Father ask.

Zexel bow slightly and smiled to him.

"Lihua greets father. Replying to Father, this Daughter was invited to have a food tasting to the soon-to-be open restaurant in the Silver Lane Market by a friend," she fakely smiled sweetly making his father soften his heart.

"Then, with you mind to bring some for this Father?" Fan Xuan Yan said. Zexel nodded.

"Of course, this Daughter will certainly bring some for Father and Grandmother," Fan Lihua said.

Fan Xuan Yan just gesture her to leave so Zexel immediately walk out of the Manor.

She climb up to her rented carraige and went to restaurant.


"Alright, next week is the day that we will open our restaurant. And now, we will do our Plaque and decorate the whole place. Manager Zhang, did the invitation that this Lady let you prepare are all finish?" Zexel ask.

"Replying to miss Zexel, all the invitation was finish, we just need to do the other thing we will deliver to them," The Manager of this Restaurant said.

Chong Zi Zhang was a Slave before he became the Manager of this Store. He was really grateful to Zexel for giving him a job like this. And he bows to his self that no matter what will happen, he will never betray Zexel even if someone will offer him money or threathen his Life.

For him, Zexel was his savior and she was thr one who give him hopes and new life. So he did not mindvto offer his life for her in the rest of his life.

"Now lets do this," there Plaque was really unique because the females painted the background of the wide plank. Then the males carve a boarder near to the edges with the design that Zexel draw before.

It was already noon time when they finish the two task that was given by them then Zexel was the one who wrote their Restaurant's name

ZUG Restaurant

It was written in English for then the Mandarin Letter is below to the English Name. She was sure that by this unique plaque, everyone will be curious to what was in inside.

The other Females paint the wall the same time that the plaque was made. The whole place was painted as s beautiful garden near in the trees. Then they decorate the ceiling with vines and the whole place was decorated with the preservr flowers that Zexel personally made, it will not rot as long as she was still alive.

The scent inside the restaurant is like a scent of flowers that is painted thru the walls. The whole place can give you a vibes that you are inside the enchanted forest.

The whole place was looks magical which is the things that Zexel wanted to feel. They decided to continue decorating the wall outside and decided to continue to cultivate.

Everyone was advancing thru thr help of Zexels pills and their determination. Most of them was already in the same level with Fan Qingyou which is the High Primary Spiritualist.

Although is was common to someone in their age to have this stage, but the fact is, they only begune to cultivate in less than a month so its not normal for them to advance that quickly. If someone will know about this, maybe their jaw will drop on the floor or they will faint immediately.

When the evening comes, Zexel monitored the practice of Feng Zhengying to walk and she was extremely satisfied to the result.

Then around Xui[1] hour she decided to go back in their Manor.


1: Xui Hour () - Dog Hour 7-9 pm

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