12: Train the Servant

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Chapter 12: Train the Servant

They reach the store that Zexel buy before and let them use the rooms in second floor. She gave them a set of three clothes each and let them rest for a while because she will do something inside.

Zexel went at the most hide corner of the restaurant use her Lava that she learn from cultivation. She melt the floor until it reach the certain heights that she wants reach.

After a while, she control the lava to spread from the ground until it reach the certain wide that she wants. After that, she suck the remaining lava inside.

After a while she use her woods and fire to light up the whole area. Then she use her Earth power to polish every wall of the surrounding.

She build a rooms inside using her woods power and each of the room have a cabinet, bed, and table.

Then in the space that she leaves before the entrance, she build a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and Dining area for all of them.

Then she use her solar power to light up the whole place. She can now see everything in her sight.

Zexel sit for a while and wipe her sweat. Them she use her water power to have a drink.

After just a while, she continue to decorate the whole place using her power.

Her innate power was not inferior to Fan Yaoli's power. They both have all the power atributte after the transmigration.

And it was like a cheat towards this world.


Its already Lunch time when Zexel finish the whole area. She made sure that the 30 servant she buys will have a comfortable living inside that place. Then all of them, eats with the manager whom she hire before.

Zexel happily chat to others while eating and she let a servant. After they eat, Zexel grab some paper and brush with ink. She begun to write a lot of numbers and write the English Numbers in Chinese letters.

After she finish writing everything, she let them fall in line with their gender.

"Do you all have a names?" She ask.

"Miss Zexel, please grant us names. Nubi don't have names," the Female who spoke before was also the one who reply to her.

"Hmm, this Lady was not good in naming so this lady will just give you a random numbers," Zexel said.

A lot of them expected to have a name like Yi, Er, San, Si, Wu, and the rest of the Chinese number but Zexel wants to give them a English Number for their names.

"Because you are the peson who like to represent all of them, This Lady will grant you the name One," she gives her a paper she just wrote before she let them fall in line.

One, become shock because she never that word but it was pleasing to her ears. She happily open the paper and she saw a unfamiliar symbols to the paper.

She turn the paper upside down but she cannot still understand the symbol.

Everyone of them did have a numbers, the way that their names was written in Chinese and their first role towards the Restaurant. One got the Head Chef role so she patiently wait for Zexel's new command to them.

The odd number was in females will the even was with males. Everyone was happy towards their new names because it was only the first time they heard about their names.

"I know everyone saw your papers and it have a unfamiliar symbols. That symbols will represent you so lets go to your new rooms," Zexel invite them to their haven and everyone was shock in the interior design of the place.

It was all from modern design so it will look like an extravagant place for all of them. "Miss, we cannot accept this kind of generosity," Two said the Leader of the Male servant.

All of the nodded but Zexel smiled to them. "Just be loyal and do everything that this Lady wants and you will all be leading to a good life. Now find the same symbol to each door and that will be your new room. Just like what this Lady promise you, this Lady will treat you nicely," Zexel said.

Everyone was grateful towards her and the standing of Zexel to their heart leveled up in a whole new level. They are now thanking Buddha for giving them a good Master like Zexel. They find their own symbol and go back to where was Zexel is sitting.

"Alright, for now, this Lady will diagnose each of you so that this Lady will know what will she need to do for your cultivation then tomorrow, this Lady wil give you a schedule for your trainings. Your roles in the restaurant training for morning and cultivation training for after Lunch. This Lady will train you personally for one month then I'll assign someone to continue your training. For now, enjoy your remaining time for yourself. Make a tour if you want, this Lady now needs to go back in our house," Zexel said.

"Thank you Miss Zexel," everyone said while bowing to her.

In one month, she'll open the restaurant and let the money flow within her hands. But for now, she needs to settle everything she can so that everything will be smooth to her.

She decided to help her sister to cultivate now so she went to her sister's Pavilion to teach her.

After a lot of hour, they stop from cultivating and eat together. "Mei-Mei, thank you for all your help to me, it really makes me feel that I am still a human who can experience happiness," Fan Yaoli said while smiling to Zexel. Zexel just nod to her.

"By the way, you have an engagement to Crown Prince Xuanze Wangye[1] Feng Guan Xi, right? How come that I don't see him visiting you?" Zexel said casually.

Fan Yaoli stop from eating as if she remember something. After a while, she smile bitterly because the Crown Prince never even bother to come to her.

"Maybe he'a busy, Hua Mei-Mei. You know, Crown Prince has a lot of things to do," she reply to Zexel but not to inform her but to make herself believe that it was the truth.


1: Xuanze Wangye (选择王也) - Chosen Prince


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