First Day

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Peter pov

Yesterday I got the message that I passed the test. It's Saturday, at 8 am and I'm tired because it's basically Saturday. But today is my first day at freaking SI. I hope today is going to be a great day. I went through the automatic doors and then...


When I looked around I saw high tech everywhere like big hologram screens and automatic delivery drones. At the reception was a lady who looked at me.

"Hey sweetie, I'm sorry but today there are no tours at Stark Industries."

"Oh uhm... today is my first day of my internship at Stark Industries. My name is peter parker."

"Wait a second... oh there you are! I'm sorry but you looked so young. Well then, could you wait here for a moment? I'm going to get you a badge."

I nodded and waited here. When she returned, she handed me my badge. It was a blue NFC card with the SI logo and my name on it.

"If you need anything, just ask FRIDAY."


Suddenly a gentle female voice came through the speaker.

"Greetings Mr. Parker, I'm Friday, an AI created by Tony Stark. It is a pleasure to meet you."

That was kinda scary but still awesome! An AI that controls an entire Tower must be very intelligent.

"It's nice to meet you too, Friday! Uhm... do you know where I need to go now?"

"Please take the elevator after you've scanned your badge. I'll take you to the correct floor."

After I said goodbye to the lady at the reception, I walked into the elevator. FRIDAY took me to floor 36. When I stepped out, I saw so many corridors.

"Uhm... Friday? Where do I need to go next?"

"Turn right and look for corridor 5. Go straight until you see the coffee shop. Then turn left. There is a meeting room."

"Thanks, Friday!"

While I was walking through the corridors, I looked around. Everything seemed so clean and fancy. Expensive modern art and huge TV screens were hanging on the walls. 

I finally arrived in the meeting room. The first thing I saw was a very long table. Then I noticed 4 other young adults sitting at the table and looking at me. 

"Hello, is this the meeting room for the new interns?" 

 Everybody nodded and greeted me. We had a nice small talk until a man came in.

"1,2,3,4,5.... Alright, we are complete. Good morning everyone! I'm Mr. Hall and I'm head of the Invention department. We collect ideas, build inventions and make prototypes of it. Congratulations everyone for passing the test by the way! It was hard, wasn't it?  Well, let me tell you what you're going to do during the internship: You all are going to work with us on our newest projects. Isn't that exciting? You'll come every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Now, please follow me. I'm going to introduce you to my team. And please don't forget anything!"

Holy Moly. I get to work on the newest projects?! 

This. is. going. to. be. so. AWSOME!!!

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