Baby Peter

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"Friday? Do you have some coke? I can't find it and I'm thirsty..."

"Look into the fridge. Maybe there is still some left."

"Found it! Thanks, Fri!

It tastes weird... Is it expire--!?"

"Pete, I'm back!!!"

Tony pov

Pepper was still in Europe which means I'm in charge. It may sound cool but I hate it! Especially those boring meetings are the worst! I mean, what's the point of meetings if you can write it down on a paper and accept or decline it instead of talking, talking and talking... Unfortunately, I'm sitting in an SI meeting. The worst ones of all meetings. We should abolish these meetings. It's ridiculous that we've still these boring meetings in my own company. Everybody hates it even though they don't admit it.

"You know what? I'm done for today! Byeeeeeee"

"But Mr. Stark, you have to stay!" said the man behind me who has an ugly face.

I responded, "I am Tony Stark and I can do whatever I want!" and left them. I could really need a hug from Peter right now... I took the elevator and it took me to the Penthouse.

"Pete, I'm back!!!"

I called for him but he didn't respond. That's strange...


Is that a baby... crying? I followed the sound and found a crying baby on the floor and an opened fridge.


I held the baby and placed it on the table and wrapped him with a kitchen towel.

"Friday, where is Peter?!"

"You're holding Peter."

Oh crap.

"Friday, call the others and tell them it's an emergency!"

Third pov

The elevator rang and Tony saw the others arriving in their PJs but sill with their weapons. They all were ready to fight.

"Tony what's the problem?!" asked Steve quickly. Then they all saw the "emergency" and laughed or looked confused.

"Awww, let me, Uncle Clint, handle it," said Clint and walked towards Tony and took the Baby.

"What happened?" asked Nat concerned and touched the baby gently on his cheeks. Tony shrugged and let Friday replay the security footage.

"He must have drunken it..." muttered Bruce.

"He what, Bruce?" asked Tony

"Peter drunk my age serum... That's the only logical explanation..."

"Then why do you put in into a kitchen fridge?!" asked Nat.

"Because my fridge in the lab is broken and I'll get a new one next week!"

"Whatever, I don't care! How do we get him back?!" interrupted Tony.

"Well, there is a cure for Peter but-..."


"Calm down Tony! I'll work on the cure but it is going to take a while..."

Bruce and everybody else left except Tony, Nat, and Clint.

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