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Third pov

Tony had enough. He had gathered all the Avengers together to get the spider. Everybody was confused about why they all were gathered.

"Alright, let's begin: As you know, Spiderman fights against crime every night in Queens. I want him to join the Avengers. So here is the plan: We'll-"

Steve interrupted. "Wait why do you need us? Can't you do it by yourself?" Clint gasped and teased Tony.

"Oh my god. Can it be that THE Tony Stark faile-"

"Shut it, Katniss! Alright here comes the plan...


...Then we'll force him to work with us because he doesn't want to reveal his identity to the public. Got it? "


It was 1 in the morning and Spiderman swung around as usual and suddenly stopped and landed on a roof. His spidey sense rang but this time it was different. Usually, it goes on while he's fighting but this time...

He looked around and saw Black Widow on her motorcycle down on the street.

"Spidey is here. Over," said Nat into a communication device and shot him with a silent gun. Luckily, Spiderman could dodge it and swung away. After a while, he thought he got rid of her or the Avenges but he was wrong. Ironman came from the right and the falcon from the left.

"Hey spidey, I told you I'd come back!" shouted Tony from behind with a motivated tone that clearly wanted revenge.

Peter panicked and shot a web forwards. Iron Man shot multiple times from behind and Peter dodged them with his sense. It seemed like the Avengers almost got him. He landed on another roof, ran to the edge, jumped down and then continued shooting webs. Peter was so focused on running away that he lost orientation.

"HELP!!!" screamed somebody. Peter knew it was risky but he had to help. He turned his head to the right and saw a person who was about to get mugged at the beach.

(A/N: Imagine the beach where Peter fought against the vulture)

The masked mugger pushed the victim and he fell on the ground. The criminal grabbed his bag and ran away.

"HEY! Take this!" shouted Peter and shot webs on the feet of the mugger. The mugger fell but he tore the web and got up quickly. Spidey landed next to him was about to shoot more webs. But then, the big and strong man punched him. Spiderman stopped the fist with his hand and pushed it back. He also noticed how strong he was. He was much stronger than any criminal he has ever met.

The man punched again into Peter's stomach successfully and it was painful for Peter. It hurt so much but he had to continue fighting.


They've been fighting for at least 15 minutes now and Peter was just exhausted. The pain in his stomach almost gone, but it still hurt. He tried to web him on the ground without success because he couldn't really stay stuck on the sand and he couldn't fight from above either since there wasn't any wall to climb on. It looked bad but... after another punch from Peter the man finally fell down and gave up.

Peter laid next to him on the sand and breathed heavily... He was so tired and the wounds burned like hell...

"NOW!!!" shouted someone and a metallic net fell over him.


Peter felt electricity and then everything went black...

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