A mess

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Nat pov

It's been 1 and a half months since the argument and 1 and a half months without Peter. I have to admit that I miss him, but who doesn't?

Since Peter was gone, we, the team, became unmotivated. No more movie nights, no dinner together, not even a single text in our group chat. Only quiet floors and halls, instant food and trash in every single room and everybody avoid each other as if we were strangers. Simply a mess.

Anyways, Steve and some other Avengers moved out to Brooklyn and now they live together in an apartment which also meant that they had quit being Avengers. Steve invited me to move in too but I told him that he shouldn't worry about me. He moved out mainly because he's been mad about Tony's new plans. Tony wanted us to go undercover, to spy on him and to capture him.

For Steve, it was too much and he had told everyone that he couldn't do it. And then Tony tried to force us to sign the new accords which basically forces us to do what Tony says. That's the point where Steve announced that he'd leave the team. Bucky and Sam left with him too. Wanda couldn't fight or hurt Peter too and followed Steve. Clint took left too and went back to his family. But at least Bruce is still here for Tony. But still, the most left for Peter's safety.

When we read that letter from him, the most were very sad. But Tony just turned away and ignored our conservations every time he heard the name "Peter" or "Spiderman".

I noticed that Peter had left a letter for Tony too but I knew that Tony would put it in a trash can. That's why I took it and I'm still hiding it in my room. Pepper broke up with him which didn't make his life easier. I think that he even started drinking again and much more than usual.

I'm still staying because I have to keep on eye on him, just in case if he's going to do something crazy or he loses his mind. And getting money from a billionaire without really working is nice, isn't it?

Peter pov

Today marks the 6th week without Spider-Man. Man, I miss swinging through the city. The first weeks without being Spider-Man were... unusual. When it was night I couldn't really sleep because I always had the feeling as if I had to do something. You know, being at home, not being able to sneak out... It is making me crazy! Luckily, I haven't seen any SHIELD Agents (yet) and I hope they won't come after me. To be honest, I even began to expect them to come for me. Every night, when I'm bored, I always try to find any SHIELD Agents or spy-cameras outside my window or I have some casual small talk with myself just in case if my stuff had any bugging devices inside it. You never know.


it doesn't mean Spidey's dead.

And lately, I've been following/investigating a case about a certain criminal since I had seen his bank robbery nearby Delmar's on tv a few weeks ago. That tech he had used looked very striking. After a while, I've realized that that was the modified alien tech from 2012, the big battle in New York, which made a lot of sense. But I still don't know who and why he or she was doing this. Karen had also notified me about another unauthorized access to the Avengers Server. I have a feeling that that same person was behind it. Whoever it was had stolen some data about a flight from the tower that starts in two days at midnight.

Right now I'm trying to get information about the flight but it isn't registered or mentioned anywhere else.

"Karen, have you figured anything out about the plane or else?"

"Yes, I have calculated a very likely scenario. Tony Stark had announced the separation of Stark Industries and the Avengers Headquarters because of technical reasons a long time ago. The new compound is supposed to be finished soon. It might be possible that..."

"...the plane contains important weapons and other stuff and that person wants to steal something for his own purpose! Karen, you are a genius!"

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