Sleepover 2.0

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Third pov

Usually, Peter comes into SI around 3:30 pm but now it's 4:15 pm. Tony was working on his suit while waiting for Peter.

"Ok, that's it. Friday, where is Peter?"

"He was eating in the private room. Now he's on his way to the lab."

"Wait- he's been eating down there the whole time? If he's hungry again, send him to the penthouse and notify me."

Peter arrived and Mr. Stark greeted him.

"Hey kid, excited for this weekend?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark!"

Peter put his bag in the corner they both began to work.

"How was school today?" asked Tony. Gosh, he felt like he was Peter's dad right now. He felt bad because he knew Peter has parents and he didn't want to but it just came out without thinking.

Peter instead, has been waiting for this question.

"Today we had chemistry. You know that it's my favorite subject is right? Well, last week we had a surprise test and today we got it back. And I aced it!"

Tony went to him and ruffled his head.

"You know what? Let's celebrate it with a movie. We can do the work on another day. Besides its weekend. But first of all, go to your room and change your clothes. It's movie night."

"Wait my room?! Oh my god! No way! Mr. Stark, thank you so much but... I can't accept it. It's too much!"

"Peter, you are my personal intern and I've got too many empty guest rooms anyway. It's about time! And call me Tony! Mr. Stark makes me feel so old."

Peter giggled, "Says the person who has never heard of Frozen before. Seriously, I'm disappointed in you."

"You little shit! Wait until I get you!" Tony laughed and started tickling him.

"Nooooo, Mr. Stark! I'm ticklish! H-Help!

Ok... I-I'm sorry!" and Tony let him go and Peter went to his room. He sat down on his large bed and opened his bag. He wanted to change into his PJ which was only a science pun t-shirt and sweatpants. But when he saw what May packed him he was embarrassed but he had no choice.


Tony knocked at the door.

"Kid, can I come in?"

"Uhm, no. I uhm...."

"Are you watching porn?"

"What?! No!"

"Why don't you come out then?

Peter opened the door and Tony smiled widely when he saw Peter wearing Iron Man PJ.

"Oh my god, I didn't know you were a fan of Iron Man. I'm so flattered!"

Peter couldn't deny it so he didn't say anything. His face was blushing instead.

"Mr. Staaaaaaaaark, stop teasing me! Can we go to the living room? I thought we were watching a movie tonight."

"Ok, let's go."

They both took some blankets into the living room and Peter chose the movie again.

"Ok, last time Frozen 1, and today Frozen 2! Could you wait for me? I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute."

Peter left the living room and Tony checked his phone until he got a message from Nat.


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