phone call

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A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to thank @Readnovle1 for new ideas for the new chapters!

Now enjoy! ^^

Mays pov (it's still Thorsday)

It was 7 pm and Pete will come home at any minute. I'm so exhausted because it's Chrismas. Since I'm a nurse I have to work on every Chrismas and New Years' Eve. Many coworkers have a family too and want to be with them. But Peter isn't a child anymore unlike other children. I wish I could stay at home every year too but at least he understands. I wish Ben was here but he isn't... Poor Pete.

"May, I'm home!" called someone from the living room. It was Peter. I noticed that he had a big black eye which was quite concerning. What happened?!

"Hello, Pete! Bring your bag into your room. I didn't cook today but instead, I've ordered Thai for us!"

"YAY!," shouted Peter and hurried into his room.


We were sitting at the small table and eating Thai noodles. While eating, Peter was telling about his day at the tower. He's so lucky to get to meet his idols... but he didn't mention a word about his injury. As if he was avoiding it... so I had to push him.

"Pete? What happened to your eye?"

"My eye? Oh, I fell out of the car on the way to the tower... but don't worry! Mr. Stark sent me to Dr. Banner who cared about me."

I knew that Peter was lying. He is so bad at lying. Sometimes I noticed that Peter has bruises on his body but he doesn't tell me. I hope he isn't bullied at school but I have the feeling that it's true.

"Oh ok. It's good to hear that Mr. Stark cared about you."

"Oh yes, he does. I often watch movies with him or work in the lab. He even makes delicious food for me. Sometimes we do my homework together. Did I mention that I've got my own room in his penthouse? And he..."

I was surprised that Mr. Stark did fun things with Pete. I thought that they worked as a mentor and trainee. The fact that he helps with Peter's homework... I never thought that Mr. Stark would care about Peter THAT much.

"Pete? Could you call Mr. Stark? I would like to talk to him. I won't separate you guys, I just want to get to know him."

"Uhm... sure. Wait a sec..." said Peter and went to his room.


*Peter calls Tony so he can be prepared*

"Pete? Is anything alright?"

"Hello, Mr. Stark. I'm sorry for interrupting you. You must be really busy right now."

"No no, you aren't interrupting me at all! What's going on?"

"My aunt wanted to talk to you and..."

"Oh shit, did you tell it wasn't me?"

"What? No! My aunt just wants to get to know you I guess... I think she isn't mad at you..."

"Oh... okay then, give her the phone, Pete."


"Good evening Mr. Stark. I am Peter's aunt but you can call me May."

"Oh good evening May! You can call me Tony. What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to thank you for your hospitality for Peter in the last weeks! Especially today. Peter came home with a black eye and I was shocked but I've heard that your friend has taken care of him!"

"Well, of course! Me and the Avengers like having Pete around! He helps me a lot in the lab. You've raised a pretty smart boy."

"Oh no, Peter is only so smart because he is a huge fan of yours and Dr. Banner! Well, the reason why I'm calling is because I'd like to ask you to do something..."

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