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Peter pov

It was Thorsday afternoon and I was waiting for the school bell to ring. The last period was chemistry and our new teacher watched a boring documentary with us about the periodic system. It felt like she paused the documentary every 2 minutes to say that the facts that were told are fake or wrong. It was so boring... I had used to love chemistry in school but since the new teacher came it was just boring. We do things we've done in 7th grade and if I tell her that, Flash will beat me up again and I can't let the Avengers see me like that.

Only 2 days left until holiday break and then I could hang out with Mr. Stark longer than usual...

The bell finally rang and Ned woke up. We both left the building and Ned got picked up by his dad. I was about to go to Happy who was waiting 2 streets away because I didn't want to get any attention because of the fancy car.

Unfortunately, Flash followed me on my way. I didn't want to let Flash see me with Happy so I turned around and faced him.

"What do you want, Eugene?" asked I annoyed.

"Hello, Penis! We haven't met today! Well, what are you buying for Chrismas for your family? Oh wait, you haven't got a family you useless failure! Even if you had a family, you wouldn't have enough money, right? Your 'Auntie May' is probably begging for money right now on the dirty streets where you belong! Your Aunt can't even afford a chocolate bar! But at least I've got an early Christmas present for you!" said Flash and punched into my face and walked off.

Happy Pov

Damn when is the kid coming? I'll swear if he doesn't arrive by any minute, I'll come next time with the most expensive car Tony owns and park right in front of the entrance of the school.

Ok, that's it. Where is he? I stepped out of the car and walked to the school. I saw Peter and another boy on the opposite side of the street. Peter got hurt... Wait... Peter is getting bullied?!

Shit. I need to tell Tony.

I ran back to the car before Peter could see me and acted like nothing happened. Peter got into the backseat of the car and I asked him to talk about his day to get him distracted and drove to the tower. We arrived at the Tower about 10 minutes later and after he got off, I immediately texted Tony.




Peter is bullied!!! We need to do something!


Oh shit.


Tony pov

"...and that's how I got my kids to do their homework," said Clint.

I was at one of the "dad squad meetings" with Clint and Scott. I'm not Peter's dad but some advice could be pretty useful. My phone rang and was a message from... Happy? That's weird. I looked at his message.

"Oh shit."

"Peter is getting bullied!" said I and someone behind me. It was Nat and she had a worried look. I've never seen her like that before but it was comprehensible


Natashas pov

I was in the living room cleaning my beautiful knives and guns.

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