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Peter pov

After I've finished crying (which was very embarrassing), May came suddenly into my mind. I panicked because she must be so worried about me. Nat had an idea and sent me to someone who's supposed to live in Brooklyn. I was unsure who it was but I was sure that trust Nat. Bruce came with me to distract me during the ride. To be honest, it really helped. We've talked mostly about chemistry and science stuff but also about my spider abilities.

Nat didn't come with us because she had told us she had an important thing to do. I didn't know what but it wasn't my business. When we arrived, I said goodbye to Bruce and Happy. I looked for the address Nat gave me. After I've checked twice if the address correct I knocked at the door. I firstly thought nobody was home because I've waited for like a minute but then someone finally opened the door. I couldn't believe who I saw.

"Hi, Peter!" greeted everybody.

"Oh my god hi, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and Sam! So here have you been the whole time! I've missed you guys so much!"

I was really surprised. Nat told me they moved out but she didn't tell me they'd live here in Brooklin. 

"Come in Peter," said Steve and I nodded. After I've taken my shoes off, I walked into the living room. It is pretty empty besides a couch and a tv and some other furniture, but they've probably just moved in. I sat down and then Sam and Wanda came suddenly from the kitchen with a cake.

"We've made a cake for you since we've heard that you'd come," Wanda said and placed the chocolate cake on the small table. When I looked at the cake again it noticed it was perfect. Too perfect. I bet somebody ran to the supermarket and bought one because I'm sure they don't have an oven but I still appreciated it and played along.

"Awwww you don't have to, you just moved in and you're probably very busy right now..."

"Yes, we had to," said Steve and smiled at me while placing a hand on my shoulder, " after we've gotten that letter you've written, we really wanted to see you again..."

Then Bucky came and handed to everyone paper plate and plastic cutlery and continued:

"...and then Tony wanted us to kinda kidnap you. And then we, so Steve, Sam, Clint, Wanda and me decided: We leave the team"

"What?!" I exclaimed. "You- you guys are joking! You didn't move out because of me right?!"

Everyone looked at me with a serious look on their faces. I was speechless. They really gave up being Avengers for me! I covered my face with my hands and thousands of thoughts flooded my brain. How everything could have been different if they had never found out or the fact that they gave up being Avengers for a random nobody like me!  

"Guys I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you jobless! I promise to talk to Nat so you guys can be back..."

"No worries! Yeah, Avengers was pretty awesome but this is fine too. Besides, we can hang out with you again without living so far away!" Sam said.

After that, we ate the chocolate cake with creme inside which was pretty good. Then we talked and caught up on both sides. I told them about my normal life and so on. It was kinda awkward because it is like we have just met each other and we're asking the same Smalltalk questions but Wanda came with something I didn't expect.

"Who wants to play Monopolyyyyyyyy???"

"Omg, where did you get that? I thought it belonged to someone else?"

"I noticed that nobody really played that game so I took it with me"

I just nodded and agreed so we could start the game. Steve was the only one who didn't play with us. He pulled his newspaper out instead and read it.

We were distributing the money until Steve asked me with and confused and shocked look. "Peter? What's that?" He pointed at the headline of the newspaper.

"Spider-Man gets The Vulture arrested!"

"Uhm..." Steve continued reading out:

"The plane of the Avengers crashed around 1 o'clock last night. A criminal who calls himself "The Vulture" is responsible for the theft. It is believed that this person tried to steal very important items on the plane from Tony Stark that was on the way to the new Avengers Headquarters. But thanks to Spider-Man he was arrested. The police expect a high level of property damage for the high-tech plane, but at least the items are safe and undamaged..."


So I explained to them everything from the very beginning and after they've asked me if I was fine for the 1000th time, Steve asked me:

"Have you figured everything out with Tony?"

"I tried to but he was drunk when I talked to him and then he yelled at me..." and my voice got quieter and quieter. But it was still enough for them to understand everything I said. Steve came closer to me and gave me a hug. Wanda gave me a hug too from behind and then Bucky and Sam came from left and right. I don't know how to describe the group hug besides nice. Knowing that so many people care so much about you...

I'm supposed to go to school next week but now school opens for me in a month lol 

Stay healthy everyone! :D

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