The Compound

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Peter pov

I was lying on the cold sand while breathing heavily. My wounds burned like hell and I coughed like every fifth second because I've probably inhaled too much smoke. But at least that Vulture guy got arrested.

"...-man? Spidey, hello? Are you there" yelled a familiar voice. It was Happy. He saw me and ran to me. I stood up and tried to aim for a building to get away but my arm hurt so much and my legs were about to collapse.

"Spider-Man wait!" Happy came and grabbed me on my other hand. I lost my balance and I landed on my back.

I said without thinking: "Oh, hey Happy, I'm so sorry about the plane... Uhm... can I go? I don't want to see Mr. Stark so..." while avoiding his face. But Happy didn't answer which made me wonder so I turned my head to look at him. When I faced him I could see his confused look.

"How do you know my name? Wait... Peter? Is that you?"


"Uhm... who's Peter?" I said with a much much lower voice, trying to fake my voice but it didn't help.

"Oh my god... Alright, I'm gonna take you to the compound. We really need to fix you up,"

"No no, I'm fine. See?" I tried to stand up but after a second my leg collapsed again and it hurt so much... Happy sighed and in the end, I agreed with him to get help. He gave me a piggyback ride to the car and after Happy sorted everything out with the police and had a phone call with somebody, we could finally leave.

I looked outside the window while thinking about what's going to happen next. I just hoped I didn't have to see Mr. Stark. I already felt so bad because I was very rude to him last time and now I've destroyed his plane which means he is definitely going to hate me and probably gonna kill me too. Well, that's it, I can already say farewell to my sweet simple life...

Third pov

Peter woke up around 9 am in a big unfamiliar room. "Good Morning Peter," said somebody and Peter tried to get up.

"Wait! You can't get up yet. Gimme a sec," said somebody else and placed his hand gently on his shoulder. At least Peter rubbed his eyes to see who they were. They were Nat and Bruce. Then Peter remembered what happened last night and quickly looked around to check if Tony was here too.

"Tony isn't here in case you wonder. By the way, what you did yesterday was incredible. We're proud of you," said Nat and smiled at Peter.

"Alright, you can go now. Yesterday, when you came in, you had a broken leg and smoke poisoning and lots of wounds. But your body healing handled everything overnight which is very impressive. I guess you should get rest for the next 2-3 days. But for now, you're free to go," said Bruce while removing the medical equipment.

"So... where should I go now? Where am I?"

"Oh right, we're at the new Avengers HQ but we call it the compound. Since you're here Bruce and I thought we could give you a little tour around here if you want to-" Peter had already a huge smile on his face even before Nat has finished her sentence.

"That would be awesome!"

Nat and Bruce showed everything to Peter that was new. From the new common room to the new laboratories. Peter was so amazed. They even showed him the new Aircraft plant and a quinjet from the inside. Peter was so excited when he sat in the cockpit. 

After the tour ended, Peter said goodbye to Bruce(because he had to unpack some other things), he and Nat went to Tony's lab to see him. She pointed at the door where Tony was inside.

"I'll be waiting in the common room if you need me"

Peter nodded and knocked firstly at the closed door. 

"Mr. Stark ?"

He waited a few seconds but no response so he knocked again: Still no answer. Peter slowly opened the door to see if he was really in there and he was. He saw Tony sitting at a table but Peter couldn't see what he was doing because he only saw his back. Peter walked in and began:

"Mr. Stark, Uhm... it's me, Peter, you remember? I'm sorry for interrupting you at uhm... whatever you were doing. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about your plane. I know that a sorry isn't enough so that's why I've decided I'm ready to join the Avengers if you still want me to or everything else you want me to do."

"..." Tony muttered something but Peter didn't understand what he had said.

"Excuse me, could you repeat it again?"

"I SAID GET OUT! I DON'T NEED ANY OF YOUR RIDICULOUS EXCUSES OR ANYTHING ELSE FROM YOU!" yelled Tony and Peter froze instantly. Tony turned around with an angry face, unveiling empty bottles of alcohol on the table in front of him.

"Mr. Stark..." Peter didn't know what to say. He saw his idol drunk for the first time plus, he was yelling at him. Peter was...   devastated. The next thing he did was leaving the lab, closing the door before beginning to react emotionally. Peter wasn't angry, he was sad and heartbroken. Tears streamed down his cheeks.


Nat ran to Peter and took him into her arms. 

"I saw everything, I'm so sorry Pete," whispered Nat as Peter continued crying.

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