The Test

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Peter Pov

Today we're going to take the test and I'm so excited! Even though I'm sure that I'm not gonna make it. When school was over, I went to Mr. Harrington's room where everyone was waiting for me. Flash stared at me angrily but luckily he couldn't do anything. Mr. Harrington stood up and began talking.

"All right Cindy, Flash, Peter please sit down and get ready. You'll only need a pencil, a ruler and a eraser. You can't use the restroom and if I see someone cheating, you'll be disqualified."

As soon as he finished, he started handing out a lot of worksheets.

"Alright, now you can turn the paper. I won't answer any questions. You have 60 minutes and good luck."

*time skip: after the test*

I've just finished the test and went home. I finished earlier so I could escape flash who looked like he was panicking during the test.

The test was easier than I thought. For example, we had to create a recipe for a very strong glue which was very easy or we had to design a skyscraper that was safe from natural disasters.

After I had dinner with May, I went to my room preparing for patrol.

"Karen, are you online?"

Karen is my AI I made a year ago and she is inside my modified earplugs. She helps me during patrol besides Ned, but his uncle stays at his place until Friday so he couldn't talk to me.

"Good evening Peter, it's nice to see you again. Are you ready for patrol? Right now, there is a robbery in a bank."

"Well then let's get the thief!" I smirked and began webbing.

*a week later*

It is Friday and school was finally over. I was just about to leave the building when somebody spoke through the speaker.

"Peter Parker, please head into the principal's office!"

I was confused but when I entered the office I saw Mr. Harrington looking at with a big smile.

"What is going on?"

The principal smiled at me and said proudly:

"Congratulations Mr. Parker, you've passed."

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