*Surprised Pikachu*

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Third pov

When Peter came home, he had dinner with May. He told her the big news and she just hugged him. May was so proud and kissed him on his head. They ate dinner together and when peter finished, he grabbed his phone and texted Ned:





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I need full story. NOW!!!


Sorry Ned maybe at school? Because now it's friendly neighborhood time. Wanna help?


Sorry I can't. My mom is using my computer and she is watching k-dramas. And it looks like she isn't going to stop soon...


Ok then, see u tomorrow!



Peter turned on his earbuds and his AI Karen came up. He left his house and began stopping crimes.

It was around 11 pm and Spiderman was bored. He helped a lost girl, took some photos with his fans... He even stopped a thief before he even tried to get out of a store! And now he was lying on a roof. Suddenly Karen went on and warned:

"Peter, Iron Man has been sighted nearby. I suggest you leave immediately."

He stood up and he saw him from afar. He shot a web and swung home and tried to avoid Iron Man.

Next day

Today was Friday and Peter and Ned sat down when it was lunchtime. Peter told the whole story and Ned was amazed. Suddenly, somebody behind them spoke up.

"Yeah sure as if Tony Stark wants to meet you, Penis. What you're talking about is fake. And Pepper inviting you into her office? It's never going to happen so stop telling lies and stay away from them! We don't want that Iron Man dies because of you!"

"Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon, bitch!"

Flash turned angrily around and saw MJ who sent him a death glare and continued reading. Flash was scared but he couldn't show it. So he left. But before he left he looked at Peter.

"We are not done, Penis!"

As soon as he left, Ned turned back to Peter who was paralyzed.

"Peter, are you alright?"

Peter slowly nodded but inside he was hurt.

The rest of the time in school went peacefully but I couldn't concentrate because I've one thought in my mind:

I'm going to meet Iron Man.

I went to the tower, scanned my badge and Friday spoke up.

"Hello, Peter! Congratulations on the promotion to the personal intern of Boss! Please use the elevator on your right."

I went to the elevator and noticed that nobody was there. I entered the elevator and wow it was much fancier than the corridors from my first day. The walls are big mirrors and it even had seats!

Wait a second... is that the private elevator for people like Iron Man or the Avengers?! Omfg

Friday took me to floor 99 and I stepped out.

"Friday? Where do I need to go?"

"Wait here please."

Tony pov

I was watching some videos of Spiderman on Youtube because I'd like to know more about his abilities. I also want him to join the Avengers. He would be pretty useful for the team. 

"Boss, Peter has arrived." 

Who is Peter? 


Honestly, I didn't want to work with him. I don't need anyone to help me. But I don't want an angry CEO around so I guess I have no choice...

"Tell him he should come here."

"That would be rude, boss. Pepper has requested that I should tell her about any kind of unfriendly behavior. Peter is waiting at the elevator."

Since when could Friday feel emotions? And since when does she call people by their first names? I should rewrite her program soon.

"Fineeeee. But I do it because of Pepper!"

Third pov

Peter was still waiting and then...

he saw him. 

(A/N: *surprised pikachu*)

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