SI Meeting

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Third Pov

Today, Stark Industries is going to have the 'SI Meeting' where the head of each department and other important leaders gather in a meeting room and talk about events and plans for the next month. When everybody came, Pepper started the meeting by holding a speech and then they all began discussing different topics. These meetings usually take about at least 2 hours and you could see all the bored faces of all the people who don't have something important to say but still have to attend this meeting.

When everything was discussed and everyone came to a compromise, Pepper asked if there was anything else. It was also known as 'the last question of the day' because it means the working day is going to be over soon.

But Mr. Hall raised his Hand and began talking.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I'd like to introduce a new and extraordinary phone charger. The StarkCharger!"

He showed the new charging cable and people started laughing because it looked exactly the old one. Pepper asked a question and everybody went silent.

"And what does it make so special?"

"Well, it charges your phone in just 2-minutes ma'am."

Everybody was interested now or laughed again because it sounded impossible. Pepper asked some more questions about safety and how it works. She knew it was going to be something revolutionary because Mr.Hall's department couldn't invent something that special. And if they could, they would have done it a long time ago. Usually, Tony Stark invents something that big. Something must have happened and she's going to find out.

*Next day*

Mr. Hall came into Pepper's office.

"Good Morning, Ms. Potts. How can I help?"

"Good Morning, Mr. Hall. Have a seat, please."

After he sat down she started to talk.

"Could you tell me who exactly invented the StarkCharger?"

"The Idea was mine but my charger had too many issues. But Mr. Parker redesigned it and he was the one who created the new fast charging technology, ma'am."

Pepper nodded and continued.

"Could you tell me more about Mr. Parker?"

"Yes, ma'am. He is a high schooler and he is an intern because he won the competition a month ago. I must admit that he is a real genius and he has lot of talent."

That's all she needed to know but she asked a few questions about his team before he left so it wouldn't seem like she was only interested in Peter. She had a brilliant idea.

"Friday, where is Mr. Parker?"

"Peter should be in school right now."

"Could you tell him that he should come into my office when he arrives?"

"Yes, ma'am."


Peter Pov

I scanned my badge and Friday came up.
"Hello Peter, Ms. Potts has requested your presence in her office."

Ok first of all: Omg, Ms. Potts noticed me!

Secondly: Am I in trouble? Did she like my charger? I'm so nervous right now. Help!

I took the elevator and Friday sent me to the correct floor. When I stepped out, I looked out the window and wow. The view was stunning. I stood there for a while and took some photos so I could show them to Ned and May later.

"Peter, shouldn't you go to Ms. Pott's office?"

"Oh, I completely forgot!"

The way to Ms. Pott's office was really easy. You couldn't oversee it. Now I was standing in front of her door. I took a deeeeeeeeep breath. And then I knocked on the door.

"Come in please!"

I opened the door and then I saw her. CEO of SI and fiancé of Tony Stark: Pepper Pots.

Holy Shit.

Pepper Pov

I was working at my desk when heard someone knocking at the door.

"Friday, who is it?"

"It's Peter, ma'am."

When he entered the room I was shocked by how young he was. But that made him also look so adorable...

"Hello, Peter! So you are the one who created the StarkCharger, it that true?"

"That is true ma'am."

"I'm really impressed by your work Peter. You've got Talent, so I'd like to make you an offer: Your regular internship is going to end soon but what would you say if I extended your internship as Tony Stark's personal intern? You two would make an incredible team. You would work from Monday to Friday after school."

Third Pov

*timeskip to evening*

Tony was so pissed. He wanted to find out who Spiderman is but every time he showed up, Spidey was already gone. He wanted to meet him and team up with the Avengers.

"Boss, Pepper has prepared dinner and she wants you to come out of the lab."

"Tell her I'm busy."

"Boss, Pepper'll fire you if you don't show up now."

"Fineee. Tell her I'll be there in a minute." I groaned.

So I went upstairs sat down at the table where Pepper already waited with food. As soon as Tony began to eat, Pepper began talking.

"Tony, I've got a personal intern for you. His name is Peter and he's 16 years old. He'll come tomorrow after school."

"Why did you do that?!"

"He is a little genius and he created the StarkCharger which you should know about a while ago. He is going to be something special for SI. I thought he and you would make a great team. Sooooo..."

"You know that I'm not good with kids right?"

"Whatever, I'm going to bed now. Good night, Tony!"

She kissed him on his cheek and went to bed. The real reason why Peter became Tony's personal intern was because she hoped that Tony would be a normal person again. He wouldn't want to disappoint a kid. And they both are really smart so they would have something in common.

962 Words. Phew.

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