Good Night

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Peter pov

It was 1 am and my patrol time ended. Today I've gotten some criminals arrested but my skin burned because of that fire even though I'm wearing the new suit dad gave me. Speaking of which, I've agreed to call him 'dad'. It felt weird because I had called him Mr. Stark before so I sometimes to call him 'Mr. dad' just to annoy him. But now I've gotten used to calling him 'dad', I guess. I'm actually more than fine with it. It felt so great to have someone in your life who you can call dad again. It really surprised me that he wanted me to call him dad because it was something I never could have imagined... 

Third pov

"Hey Karen! Do you know any life hacks for burning skin?"

"Calling: 'Dad'..."

"Nonono cancel-"

"Hey, kid! Why are you still up? I told you to go home at midnight,"

"Yes I know, but-"

"Peter Parker, why am I getting a report that says that your suit is damaged?!"

"Oh, that's nothing! I just uhm..."

"Kid. explain or I'll pick you up by myself!"


"Ok, what?"

"I said I stopped some criminals but there was a fire and I kinda burned the suit and maybe my skin too and that I'm sorry about the suit, dad!

" Kid... Stay where ever you are! I'm already on my way. I was going to pick you up anyway,"

It took only a few minutes until a very worried Iron Man arrived on the same roof where Peter was. He was terrified when he saw his injuries and wounds.

"Holy crap, what... how- Ok, first things first: Peter, hold tight on me, I'm gonna carry you to the tower." and Peter did what he said. Luckily the heater still worked, which made his cold flight a little bit better.

When they arrived at the tower, Tony's suit parts began to remove themselves, and then they both went slowly to the med bay. Tony had to keep an eye on him so that Peter's sensitive wounds hurt even more. Peter felt very embarrassed because they were walking as if Peter was walking like a 4-years old but he also was very thankful to Tony because he walked with him patiently and he held Peter's hand which made him feel safe and relaxed.

Once they arrived in a room and Peter sat down and took his suit off and Tony grabbed an ointment from a closet.

"Kid, you need to be honest with me. I'm not mad at you. I'll just fix you up ok?" Peter nodded quietly.  

"Where does it hurt?" and Peter pointed all the wounds on his body that burned. He shivered as Tony rubbed the cold ointment all over his injuries and then he quickly headed to Peter's room to get some clothes Tony bought for him and handed them to Peter. And yes, they all were Superheroes- but especially Iron Man-themed. Peter firstly felt embarrassed when Tony got him his new Avengers PJs which was why Peter brought his own clothes over each time he stayed the night instead. But today was different. Peter tried on the hoodie and sweatpants Tony gave him and he must admit: These were probably the best and coziest PJs he has ever worn.

"Thanks, dad! Wow, it's so cozy and warm... where did you even get these?" Peter joked.

"Well, I got them from some famous fashion designer for like... I don't know... around 200 dollars each? They were pretty cheap, to be honest, so I bought a few more,"

"What?! You can't- Holy sh-"

"Language! Seriously, we don't want to wake any of the others or especially Steve! I'm too tired for another one of his lame lessons, "

Speaking of which, the other Avengers, including Steve moved with Tony back to the tower. The only ones who didn't return were Bruce and Clint. Bruce wanted to stay in the compound because he really liked his new workspace and Clint extended his break because he wanted to be there for his kids again. But he also said that he might visit the tower soon with his kids or alone so he wouldn't lose completely the contact with the other members.

Peter whispered, "Okay. Can we watch a movie then? I'm still not tired..."

Tony looked at him weirdly, "It is almost 2 am and you still think we're going to watch a movie? Oh hell no, you are definitely going to bed. You still need your 9 hours of sleep!"

"But dad I'm sixteen! I'm not a child..."

"You can tell me whatever you want, but for me, you'll always be my little spider-kid. Now go to bed before May'll kill both of us for letting you up so late,"

"Fineeeeeeee." Peter groaned in defeat and they both walked to Peter's new room which was directly opposite of Tony's room. Just in case if Peter gets a nightmare. Peter went to his bed and pulled up his covers.

"Good night kiddo," whispered Tony and waved awkwardly before heading to the door.

"Uhm, dad?" Tony turned around to Peter.

"Are you thirsty? I could get you some water if you want to..."

"No, no. Just forget what I said. Good night, dad"

"Kid, I know when something is on your mind. Just tell me,"

"It's nothing. Really,"

"Come on, kid. You can trust me,"

"Ok then... uhm... I just wanted to ask you if you could, you know, stay with me? I thought we would be less lonely since we both are alone in our rooms..."

Tony didn't hesitate to answer his question.

 "Sure, Pete, move over," and Peter did what he said. Tony got in and moved closer to Peter and pat gently Peter's back with one hand while the other one was busy playing with Peter's hair.

Tony whispered, "Good Night Pete," and kissed Peter's forehead.

The younger one responded as he drifted to sleep, "good night, dad... I love you..."

Tony pov

I felt great when I heard what Peter said. Because I love him too. So damn much. It is surprising to see how much that kid had been grown on me over time.  I don't care that we aren't related in any kind. He is and will be my son forever. What have I done to deserve him? He's pure, kind, smart and so much more. I'm glad that I can be a part of his life. And I swear I'll do my best to protect and support him in the best way possible. 

I smiled and whispered as I closed my eyes,

"I love you too, kid,..."

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