Hey Kid!

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Third Pov

"Hey, Kid. Nice to meet you," said Tony and stretched out his hand.

"Good day Mr. Stark! I am Peter and I look forward to working with you, sir!" said Peter who was excited and full of energy.

"Yeah... whatever," responded Tony with a fake smile and led them both to a random lab. When Peter looked around, he was amazed by everything around him. There were big holographic screens at the wall, robot arms and everything he could think of.

"So what are we going to work on?" asked Peter.

"Uhm... I'm working on gravity shoes for the astronauts so they could walk on the moon just like on earth. Could you begin with it? I have a project to finish so I'll leave you alone. If you need anything, just ask Friday."

And that's his cue to leave. The truth is Tony wanted Peter to work on the projects he couldn't do. If Tony Stark can't do it, nobody else can do it. Period. It is then a matter of time when he wants to quit his internship.

Peter started working and Tony analyzed Spiderman in his lab. When it was 6:30 pm, Peter had to leave but he has finished the artificial gravity technology.

"Hey, Friday could you tell Mr. Stark that..."


*next day in the afternoon*

Tony was lying on the cold hard ground. (A/N: Ohhhh, Ohhhh, trouble, trouble, trouble...XD)

When he woke up he tried to remember what happened yesterday. Then he remembered Peter.

"Friday, what is Peter doing?"

"He went home yesterday at 6.30 pm but he left a recorded message. Should I play the message?"

"Do it."

"Hello, Mr. Stark! You haven't showed up and I had to go home so I recorded this message. Well, about the gravity shoes... I managed to create artificial gravity. I've saved my calculations on Friday so you could have a look over it. Anyways I've enjoyed my first day with you. I'm looking forward to working on with you again! Goodbye!"

Tony was surprised. This couldn't be real.

"Friday, show me Peter's calculations."

His calculations make sense. Tony read it again and again. He couldn't believe it. Somebody was smarter than Tony Stark.

"Friday, tell Peter I want to see him. Now."

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