To: Mr. Stark

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Third pov

"Good Night, May!"

Peter closed my door and got ready. 

He asked, "Karen? Are you there?" after he had turned on his earplugs.

"Yes," she responded and Peter began to climb out of his window. He got on his roof and looked around. It felt great for him to be back as Spider-Man again. He raised his hand with the web-shooter on it and shot against a building. Then he shot the next web and after he got used to swinging again, he was on his way to the tower.

When he was almost there, he told Karen to get access to the security system of the tower and to take control over it like last time. Karen scanned the whole tower gathered information about the workers and other people who were still inside.

"Peter, the plane is about to take off. You should hurry" 

"Alright. Karen, deactivate all the cameras on my way. Let's find out who's behind all of this!" 

Tony pov

I feel like bullshit. My life is bullshit. Everything is bullshit!

Why me? First I've lost the team and now I've even lost my fiancée!  And of course, everything because of Peter. Why doesn't he want to understand that playing a superhero every night with real criminals is dangerous?! All those bloody scars and wounds from Spider-Man I had seen online... Those were Peter's injuries! If I only think about how he comes every night home with an injury gives me a heart attack. I have always that feeling that it is going to be my fault if he gets kidnapped or even killed! It is also so scary not to know how he or if he gets medical treatments! Why didn't he told me? Why didn't I noticed it earlier?!

And why am I so worried about him?

Third pov

Tony sighed and buried his head in his hands while he was laying on the couch. He wanted to stop everything and go back in time where he was happy with Pepper and especially Peter right before this whole thing happened. Nat looked from behind the counter and tried to cheer Tony up a little bit. 

"Finally out of the lab, huh?"

"What do you want?"

"Maybe you to fix this whole mess by talking to Peter?"

Nat hopefully waited for a response but Tony didn't say anything.

"You miss him, don't you?"



"What?" asked Tony annoyed.

"Nothing," replied Nat and gave up.

She knew Tony wanted to have Peter back but he didn't want to admit it. Everyone wanted him back. It is surprising how everything changed just because of Peter. Nat decided to move to plan b and went to her room to get the letter. Once she came back she said softly:

"You've got mail"

"I don't care, just put in into my office..."

"It's from Peter," said Nat which caught Tony's attention. Nat placed it down in front of Tony. She said she would go into her room to pack her things and then she left.

Tony took and opened the letter curiously and read it.


Dear Mr. Stark,

I wanted to apologize for what happened between us and I'm really sorry for suddenly running out without saying goodbye to you and everyone else. I really regretted when I had said that you weren't my dad because honestly, I'm very grateful for how you had cared about me. You were to me like the dad I never had. Again, I'm so sorry for how things turned between us. And for Spider-Man, I'll take a break to focus more on my normal life as Peter Parker. And I'm sorry for causing so much trouble to you. That's why I'll resign from my position as your personal intern so you can continue your work and other important schedules without me.

I'm sorry for interrupting your time with my letter.



Tears began to roll down Tony's face while reading Peter's letter. Tony was touched when Peter said he had seen him as his dad because Tony had also seen Peter as his kid. He felt so bad for Peter apologizing so much. All Tony wanted right now is to see him again and take him into his arms.

"Friday, call Happy. I want to see the kid"

"I am sorry boss but he is not available right now. Your plane from the tower has just crashed and Happy is there to secure your belongings."


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