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Peter pov

Ugh... Where am I? My eyes were still closed but it was warm which meant I wasn't at the beach anymore. I couldn't move my hands or legs. They were... handcuffed? And I feel so weak and tired...

"GUYS! He's waking up!" said a familiar voice.

"Okay, everybody, stay prepared."

I opened my eyes and saw them right in front of me. Mr. Stark, Clint, Aunt Nat, Dr. Banner, and Steve. Mr. Stark, Steve, Clint, and Aunt Nat have their sharp weapons aimed at me. I've never been this scared before. One wrong move and I could die.

"Hello, Spidey. I've got you," said Mr. Stark proudly, "we finally know your powers and they are not bad... And your Mask... Seriously, can you even see-through it? I've almost forgotten to mention your interesting web formula...

Anyways, let me make you a suggestion again for the last time: You'll join us and we won't tell anyone outside this room about your identity OR we'll keep you here until you agree to join us. Whatever you choose, I'm gonna take off your mask anyway. Great, right? Imagine fighting with the Avengers, being famous and stuff... So what do you say?"

No, it isn't great at all! I just want to live my separated lives as Peter Parker or Spiderman! Is it too much?!

I didn't say anything and tried to break the handcuff instead but it was too strong.

"If you're trying to break your handcuff, it won't work. The handcuff is made out of vibranium but it doesn't matter. Anyways, let's see who you are..."

He walked closer and I closed my eyes hoping something else would happen but nothing happened and then he pulled my mask off.

Third Pov

Everybody was shocked and surprised and lowered their weapons. They expected a normal adult. Not a minor. Especially not Peter.




Tony froze as soon as he saw Peter. His own kid that he loved so much. You could see that Peter was scared and terrified. Clint laughed a bit to lighten up the mood but Tony was not so amused.


Friday, unlock the handcuffs.

Seriously?! Why are you Spiderman?! You shouldn't play superheroes! Don't you know how much trouble you've caused?! You could have died multiple times!"

"Yes I'm aware of the risks but don't you know how much it hurts to live with the thought that I could have saved my uncle's life but I just stood there and didn't do anything even though I had powers?! There are a lot of people who could have prevented muggings if only they had powers like me! But they don't and that's why I have to protect the people and save them from the pain I've suffered!

I don't want to have somebody who decides when I have to help and when not! And I don't want to get my friends and my Aunt in danger too! You can do what you want but you can't change my mind!"

Nat, Clint, and Steve could sympathy Peter's feelings and kinda felt bad for helping Tony to catch him.

"Fine, you won't become an Avenger!"

Peter was so relieved when he heard it.

"But you'll stay here until Bruce and I find out how to remove the powers from your body!"

That was the point where Peter lost himself.

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can and I will. It's what's best for you."

Peter got so angry. "NO, IT IS NOT!"


Peter imitated, "yEs I CaN AnD i wiLL"

"Alright Peter, that's it. Go to your room and think of your behavior!" said Tony angrily and pointed to the door.


And so Peter grabbed his mask, left the room, and headed to the nearest elevator.

Tony's face turned immediately from an angry to a mixture of a surprised and shocked face. His heart shattered inside into a million small pieces and it hurt so much. Nothing has ever caused Tony so much pain than this sentence. He wanted to go after him but Steve held his arm and didn't let go.

"Steve! Let me go!!! What are you-"

"I think you've done enough."

Peter pov

Urgh!!! I'm so mad at him right now! I thought he'd take my suit or web-shooters but taking my powers?! Seriously, why can't he understand that I am spiderman?!

I calmed myself down and thought about what happened while waiting for the elevator. I have to admit that it wasn't the best way to discuss it with him but I had to protect Spiderman. Even if it meant to argue with your idol and avoid each other as much as possible for the rest of your life. But somehow, I feel so empty... As if a shield around me just broke... again?

"Pete, are you okay?"

I looked behind me and I saw Aunt Nat. I'm not sure what she wanted but I decided to stay neutral as if nothing ever happened.

"I think so..."

"Peter I'm here to tell you that he deserved it in my opinion. Steve, Clint,  me and the others will always be on your site. Honestly, I would have done the same thing as you did... Let's go to the parking lot. I'll get my motorbike and then I'll bring you home."

"Thank you but I'm sure I can swing home..."

I checked my web-shooters, but then I noticed that I have no web anymore. Probably because Mr. Stark had taken them so I couldn't fight.

"You know what? I think I could need a ride..."

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