Happy birthday Peter!

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Now we've got ice cream, whipped cream, and sprinkles. Do you know what's missing? The cherry on top aka ULTIMATE CHAPTER yayyyyy 🥳

(Ok maybe the word "ultimate" is exaggerated but who cares)

Tony pov

Today I woke up early because it was Peter's birthday. I've planned everything weeks ago to make it the best birthday party he ever had. I hurried to the kitchen to prepare the cake I've ordered. The cake was a simple and boring vanilla-chocolate cake, covered by whipped cream and sprinkles. Totally lame, right? To be honest, I personally would have ordered a huge cake with many different flavors and decorations and all that fancy stuff but May didn't let me. It was one of her conditions for letting me throwing Peter's party at my place.

She made so many rules like no gift that is worth more than 200$, no last-minute vacation, no fireworks, no outside activities (which is totally fine by me), no laboratories, and so on... She even came yesterday to check everything... I know that May is a kind person but in the last days, she has been very overprotective and strict.

I wish I could give him everything he wants. Because he deserves the world. I'd buy a whole Lego store for him if he wants. But hey, May and I have got even a better gift prepared.

Peter pov
Today is my 17th birthday and I'm so excited. I mean my day has just begun in a tower of a billionaire. Everything could happen. And that's what I'm also kinda nervous about. I've no idea what, how, and when my party will be. And don't forget that the freaking Avengers will be here. I mean, I got used to all of them but still:


I just got ready in my own bathroom ( I feel as if I'm rich because I have my own bathroom... oof) and as soon as I got ready Tony knocked at my door. I got so excited but I pretended as if nothing was special. Dad came in and approached me with a big hug. I don't why but I love his hugs. I always feel so completed and happy when he hugs me.

"Happy Birthday, kiddo!" Dad congratulated me and messed with my hair while kissing me on my forehead.

"Thanks, dad!"

"Now come on, a lot is going to happen today!"

I followed him to the kitchen where I saw everyone else (except for May but she will come later). They all congratulated me and hugged me.

"Congrats, Peter! How old are you?" said Clint happily as if I was 5 years old.

"I'm 17 now," I replied simply and he made a surprised face.

"Holy shi-"

"Language! He might be 17, but still, he's a child" said Nat and hit Clint lightly.

Speaking of which Clint came here for me but unfortunately, he couldn't bring his kids over too and nobody knows why...

We continued the party and everybody sang for me and I blew off the candles. Everyone applauded and we ate the cake. It might sound boring because nothing is really special, but to me honestly, it was perfect. I've always celebrated my birthday with May, Ned, and MJ, and sure, it was great with them too, but with dad and the whole Avengers, it felt like I had another family. Where everybody really loves me as a member of this family...

I unpacked the gifts and I loved everything. Steve gave me a new bag, Nat gave me some Star Wars movies on DVD so I could watch them with my friends, Clint, Wanda, Bucky and Sam got for me 2 big Lego Star Wars sets and I definitely didn't fanboyed hard, and Bruce sent for me a lab set and a birthday card because he couldn't be here. To be honest, I was a little bit sad about it but he has his own reasons.

The party went on and we all enjoyed it. We played Wanda's favorite game Monopoly and Steve won even though it was his first time playing it. And dad lost. Oof.

Third pov

Tony had a lot of fun today. But he was nervous too. Because he hasn't handed his gift yet. Everybody knew about the surprise. Only Peter didn't know about it yet. But that's about to change. The avengers distracted Peter in the living room while Tony prepared his gift.

After he told Friday to record everything, he entered the living room. Everyone went silent and looked at Tony. Peter firstly was confused and looked in the direction everyone else was watching. Peter saw Tony holding an envelope while Tony got closer and sat next to him on the sofa. Peter knew inside this envelope is his gift but he didn't know what was inside. So he stayed silent and let Tony begin his speech.

"Alright, time for me to give my gift for you. I know that you're 17 now and we've known each other for about a year now. You know, I didn't know what to give you at first, because you could ask me for anything anyway which you never do surprisingly. Well, the point is, I'm proud of you and the way you've grown. You always care about the others first and I really admire it about you. You've got 1 year left until you're officially 18 and until then and after that, I want to be there for you. I want to become the dad you never really had...

Until now," and Tony slowly took the paper out of the envelope and handed them to Peter. Peter read over them several times in disbelief and then looked at Tony again.

"Peter, would you let me adopt you?"

Peter froze and was shocked. Tony took it as a bad sign so he quickly added,

"Uhm..., yeah, I've spoken with May about it and she is fine with that too but if you don't want to-,"

Peter quickly put the paper aside and hugged Tony tightly.

"Are you kidding? Yes, please! Thank you, Dad!"

Tony hugged back and everyone around them cheered and congratulated. Tony felt so happy like he has never felt before. He was officially Peter's dad now.

The End yay

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