Let's get him! (Bonus)

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I originally wanted to post this chapter. But then I had other ideas for the story, so I've rewritten this chapter. And the rewritten one became "Gotcha." When I had written "Gotcha.", I've already finished writing this chapter so I kept it as a bonus till the end.

Just to make it clear for everyone: this bonus chapter does not belong to the story!😉

Third pov

Tony had enough. He called Nat, Clint, Bruce, and Steve for a meeting. Everybody was confused about why they all were gathered.

"Alright, let's begin: As you know Spiderman fights against crime every night in Queens. I want him to join the Avengers. So here is the plan: We'll-"

Steve interrupted. "Wait why do you need us? Can't you do it by yourself?" Clint gasped and teased Tony.

"Oh my god. Can it be that THE Tony Stark faile-"

"Shut it, Katniss! Alright here comes the plan. We're going to set a trap and find out his identity. Then we'll force him to work with us because he doesn't want to reveal his identity to the public. Got it? "

"Boss, Spiderman might need help. He's trying to save people from a burning building that is about to collapse," said Friday through the speaker.

"All right, let's help him!" said Steve, and everybody left the room and suited up. Tony groaned and took his suit as well.


The Avengers arrived at the building with a helicopter. Their plan was easy. Get everybody out. Steve ran to one of the firefighters to get an overview of the situation.

"How many people are still inside?" asked Steve.

"There are still 3 people left! They are on the highest floor. Spiderman is looking for them but he's been inside for at least 20 minutes and it too risky to go inside for us! The building could collapse anytime! We'll try to extinguish the fire from outside."

Everybody could hear what the firefighter said and knew what they had to do. Bruce turned into the Hulk to hold the building and prevent it from collapsing into other buildings or people on the street. Tony, Nat, and Clint were on the top floor looking for the 3 people and Spiderman. They've found a man and a woman in the corner.

"OK, we'll get you out of here. But where is spiderman?" asked Nat.

"He went looking for our daughter! He said that we should wait here!" said the woman.

The trio split up. Tony went looking for spiderman and Clint and Nat were trying to get the parents outside. The floor began to shake and the ceiling began to crack and everything was still burning. The Hulk was carrying the building which means Tony hasn't got much time left. Tony heard a voice and followed it. It was Spiderman's voice but Tony could swear he had heard this voice before somewhere else. He saw Spiderman handing a doll to a girl.

"Alright *cough*, here is Anna and now I'll *cough* bring you to your mommy and daddy. They are fine. I'll promise. *cough*" said Spiderman and then he saw Iron Man standing next to them.

"Oh hi, Iron Ma-" said Spiderman with an unrealistic deep voice. Suddenly, the ceiling fell on them but luckily, the Spidey Sense alerted him just in time. He ducked over her and rocks fell on his back making some big scars. Some of them were even bleeding. Tony was surprised that Spiderman was THAT selfless.

"I'm *cough* *cough* fine! Could you carry her?"


Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye got the parents out of the building. Now they were waiting for Tony and Spiderman and the daughter.

"They made it!" shouted Clint when he saw Iron Man carrying Spiderman and the girl. That was the clue for the Hulk to let the building collapse without destroying anything else. After they landed the girl was sent with her parents to the hospital and the fire was successfully extinguished.

Peter pov

I was about to leave without telling them anything. Ouch, my back still hurts and I couldn't breathe without to cough. My skin burned like hell and I could barely think. Everything hurts so much... Mr. Stark looked at me and then spoke to me but I didn't know what he said. I was so tired and so exhausted and then... my eyes got kinda heavy...

Tony Pov

"Spidey? Hello?"

I waved at him to see if he was listening to my offer or not. I went a step closer to him and wanted to wake him up. Suddenly he broke down but I caught him.


This looks really bad.

Well, thank you again for reading this story!

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