Hi Spidey!

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Peter pov

It was about 3 pm when I arrived at home. The driver Happy wasn't as happy or fun as I thought. We had a nice small talk though but I think I talked the most during the ride. He wasn't talkative but it's fine.

After a big hug from Aunt May at home, I told her that I was going to study for school and went into my room.


It was 7 pm now and it was cold and dark outside. I was in my suit swinging through New York. Suddenly, I saw a car which was about to hit a building with a high speed. I shot webs in front of him hoping that it would stop and it worked. The driver had a shocked look on his face and pedestrians were clapping and waving at me. I landed next to the car to help him.

"Hello sir, are you alright?" I asked.

"Oh my god... Yes, because of you. Thank you! You saved my life! I was on my way home until my car was out of control... I-I couldn't slow down and I thought this would be my end... Thank You!"

"Oh ok, I've already called for help. Please stay here and wait for help ok?"

The man nodded and I shot a web and left.

Third pov

Tony was working in his lab until Friday alerted him about the recent activities of Spiderman. He immediately took his suit and flew to Queens. He found Spiderman sitting on a roof and landed behind him.

„Hi, Spidey! Let me do it quickly: How about you joining the Avengers? We could need you and I could make you a much better new suit. You only need to reveal your identity to us. Deal?"

Peter was so happy. He dreamed of joining the Avengers but he knew he couldn't. 

The first reason against joining the Avengers was that Peter wanted to protect the normal people in Queens, not the entire world. 

Secondly, he didn't want that Tony would only care about Spiderman and his abilities like a newly discovered animal. 

Thirdly, his identity wouldn't be safe at the Avengers. If a villain finds out about his identity, he would put May and Ned in great danger.

Peter had no choice except to leave. He didn't say a single word because Tony could recognize his voice with Friday. Nobody can know about Spiderman's identity (except Ned of course).

"Alright, let's do it the other way," said Tony and flew after him.

It was a long chase and in the end, Tony had to give up. Spiderman knew Queens too well and probably hid in a side street. 

Peter stopped being Spiderman for the rest of the night and went home. Tony flew home too but he was pissed and mad at himself for not getting him to join the team. 

'Next time I won't let him escape that easily. I'll get him. Whatever it takes.' thought Tony to himself.

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