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A few days later

Peter pov

Since the argument, I've decided to avoid my internship. I was so mad at Mr. Stark. He was the last person that I wanted to see right now. I was angry but I was also scared for the last days too. I mean, I argued with Mr. Stark, the one who's in contact with Shield which meant he could send an army of agents just for capturing me. Happy parked every day right in front of my school waiting just for me! It was still cold outside and I could cover my face with a scarf and a cap but I've to put an end to this if I want to be safe permanently.


It was around midnight which meant it's time for Spiderman but it was also going to be the last "mission" for a while. I've thought a lot about it and I wanted to keep being Spidey but I was so scared of Mr. Stark and risking my normal life every night wasn't worth it. After I've put my suit on, I took my phone out and texted Ned.


Hi, are you done?


Almost, but do you really want me to do this? And why? You know that's kind of illegal right?


Yeah, I know


Ok done! Can u tell me now why?


you'll see soon. thx btw


Seriously?! I wanna know :(


I began swinging over the streets and railway of New York with the tower as my destination. Once I arrived on the huge balcony of the tower, I tapped on one of my earplugs and activated Karen.

"Karen, Ned has installed a virus in one of the office computers in the tower. Connect with it and then, sign in with the security code on my badge. Are you in?"

"Yes, I am," replied Karen.

"Ok then, try to get control over the tower, deactivate all the cameras for 30 minutes and unlock the door."


I opened the big glass door and sneaked in. Going through this penthouse gives me so much memory of all the fun time I've spent with the Avengers... I felt so bad for what I was doing but I had to. Without any more thoughts, I went to Steve's room and placed another letter on the floor. Then I had my second letter... I've put it into Ms. Pott's mailbox that was next to her office and then there was the third letter for Mr. Stark. I quickly placed it in front of his room and then I left. I felt guilty again but I guess a part of a journey is the end...


Steves pov

I woke up at 5:30 am and I got dressed up for my daily jogging. The last days were pretty lonely in my opinion. We all were still mad at Tony for scaring Peter away. Everyone had a bad mood since Peter left.

I opened my door and I found a letter on the floor. On the envelope, it says: "Please read to everyone!"

At first, I was skeptical but I still opened it because it could be written by Peter. Luckily, it was.

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