3 » job

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After walking out of Furuta's office, you wondered how on earth you managed to get him to give you the job. Of course this wasn't your ideal job, but you were doing it for a reason. A very important reason.

Your eyes darted around the corridors, being aware of other investigators that may notice you.

It was as if you were a spy undercover.

But why should you hide yourself after doing something that you considered right at the time? You shouldn't.

With that decided, you breathed in and took your hand away from your face, preparing yourself for all kinds of hate.

And you were right.

As soon as people saw your face, they all stopped whatever they were doing just to look at you.

After gathering up the courage to lift your head up and glance quickly at people, you noticed that they all had shocked expressions on their faces.

"You!" An unfamiliar voice shouted.

You instantly lifted your head up to see who called you.

It was a CCG investigator with brown hair and brown eyes that you didn't recognize. He didn't look important anyway. No specific role.

"What?" You asked, now walking closer to him.

He gasped and stepped back from you, almost as if in fear.

"S-stay away from me you ghoul... You- you murderer!" He yelled.

You glared at him and hissed, "Shut up."

"I won't! Your a ghoul! Your the ghoul that killed Investigator Arima! Your the ghoul that caused all these problems! You deserve to be eradicated! How dare you even think that you can just walk in here and get a job after what you did!" He shouted, his brown eyes never leaving yours.

"..." You were silent. Everything he said was true, so you couldn't argue.

Sighing, you walked over to him and grabbed his wrist.

Once out of sight, you shoved him against the wall harshly and smirked as he screamed after his head came in contact with the wall.

After recovering, he looked at you with a confused look, then you begun to talk.

"Look... So what if I'm a ghoul? It doesn't really make me any different from any humans, does it? And that goes for every single ghoul in this world! And... I... Had to kill investigator Arima! He even told me to- nevermind... Besides, why is it your business to know why I came to get a job again? I don't even know you." You exclaimed with dark, angry eyes.

He gulped and nodded at your harsh tone, that was like sharp daggers digging into his skin.

"Now... Leave me alone and never, and I mean never come back." You demanded.

"H-hai!" He stuttered, immediately staggering out of your sight. (H-hai=y-yes)

Feeling satisfied with the way you acted, you decided to go on a hunt from your friend, Akira Mado.


|12:10pm ~ afternoon|

After spending about half an hour looking for Akira, you decided to give up. Yes, you understood that she had a case to do, but wouldn't it be finished by now?

You couldn't exactly go asking other CCG investigators if they have seen her either.

At this moment in time, you didn't really know what to do with yourself. You were just leaned up against a random wall, trying to figure things out.

That was, until a small figure appeared in front of you.

Your eyes slowly trailed to look into the small person's familiar scarlet red eyes.

"Y/n." The person spoke.

"J-juuzou..." You stuttered.

"What are you doing?" He asked, stepping closer to you.

You didn't move. Instead, you let the salty tears that you had been trying to hold in for so long drip gently down your cheeks.

Juuzou looked upset as you just broke down in front of him, your cries almost sounding like cries for help. Cries to be free. Cries to escape.

He hesitated, but ended up wrapping his small arms around your waist.

Since you were taller than him, you crouched down and sobbed into his shoulder as he just stayed quiet, allowing you to cry. However, he did try to comfort you by patting your head and whispering soothing words in your ear.

"I-i'm so sorry..." You whispered as he still held you in a tight embrace.

He just smiled at you and let you go. It was then his eyes widened as he quickly glanced down in your stomach, eyeing the bump that you had.

You noticed his unsure and confused expression.

"Uh..." He stuttered, looking uncomfortable and embarrassed, "Did you... Gain weight?"

His response made you laugh. "Gain weight? No."

His eyes widened even more if that was even possible as his small hands flew to his mouth in complete surprise.

"Don't tell me-" He begun, his eyes now trailing up to meet yours.

Chuckling, you nodded and replied, "Yes Juuzou. I'm pregnant."

He looked so proud and happy as he slowly removed his hands from his stitched mouth.

"Really? I'm not dreaming?" He asked.

"No, your not. I'm not sure why you'd dream about me being pregnant, but..." You laughed, your eyes closing.

Even Juuzou managed to chuckle.

"So who's the dad?" He asked. His red eyes were full of wonder.

The answer to his question made your heart clench painfully in your chest, growing tighter and tighter as the seconds passed.

"Y/n?" Juuzou said, obviously worried by your facial expressions which was a mix of pain and uncertainty.

"S-sorry..." You managed to breath out, taking deep breaths after until the pain slowly but surely subsided.

"Soooo?" Juuzou asked, now standing on his tip toes, only to poke your nose in a playful manner, making you giggle.

"It's..." You begun, debating on weather or not to tell him. But he's been your best friend for over a year... So why not tell him? "Ken Kaneki..."

He gasped, "Really!?"

"Well yes... You came to our wedding, right?" You asked, one eyebrow raised.

"I- yes..." He stuttered.

"So why are you shocked at my response?" You answered with a frown.

He took a deep breath before looking around. He then looked back at you because no one was in sight.

"Because eyepatch..." He begun. You could tell by the look on his face that the next thing he was going to say would be painful, would hurt him a lot... Would hurt you a lot, but you were willing to listen to what he had to say.

"Because...?" You carried on, a lump growing in your throat, because you knew this wasn't going to end up well.

Juuzou closed his eyes before opening them to stare into your eyes. You looked into his, desperately needing answers.

"Because eyepatch has joined Aogiri... And he is not in a good state, Y/n... Not a good state at all..."

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