22 » confusion

751 20 29

cσnfusíσn: uncєrtαíntч αвσut whαt's hαppєníng.


"Uhm, where did you get that ring...?"

It was almost as if time had stood still. Everything was silent. It sounded like a gunshot had just fired and all you could hear was a painful ringing in your ears that didn't seem to fade.

Haise raised an eyebrow along with lifting his left hand up so that he could examine it. His eyes widened slightly, almost as if he remembered something.

He then sighed and placed his hand down, making you frown.

"I honestly don't know. I woke up one day with it on." He responded.

You didn't answer, instead you were thinking. Had Akira lied to you? Surely Haise and Kaneki are the same person; they just have to be.

"What makes you say that?" Haise asks you, making your eyes snap up towards him.

"I- uh... I just liked it." You lied, trying to hide the pain in your eyes by pulling a smile, but Haise could tell that it was fake, however, he just decided to brush it off.

"Well thank you." Haise grinned, making you chuckle.

It was then he allowed his grey eyes to wander down to your left hand, curiosity taking over him. His eyes suddenly landed on your wedding ring and engagement ring, that was shimmering in the sunlight.

You followed his gaze and quietly gasped, putting your hand in your lap quickly.

"Your married?" He asked, almost sounding a bit dissapointed.

Your heart shattered after hearing that from him.

Yes. To you. Technically... You thought, letting a sad sigh escape your lips as you slowly looked up at him.

"No?" You said, mentally slapping yourself after. It was supposed to just be an answer, not turn into a question.

Haise laughed, "Oh Y/n. Stop lying, I can clearly see both rings. It's obvious."

"Ahaha..." You chuckled nervously, not really knowing how to respond.

"Are you going to tell me who it is or not?" He asked with a playful smirk as he leaned in closer to you, staring into your eyes the whole time.

Heat rose to your cheeks as your eyes widened at how close Haise was. He was so close that you could actually feel his warm breath brush against your lips, making your heart thump loudly in your chest. You wondered if he could hear it.

"I..." You couldn't form a proper sentence as you were too embarrassed to say anything.

How do I say, "YOU." You thought as Haise continued to look at you, breathing heavily as his face came even closer to yours.

What is he doing? You thought, not moving, just sitting there, as stiff as a statue.

"Is it a secret or something...?" He whispered in a low voice, his breath fanning over your lips immediately, making you gulp.

Deciding to play along, a smirk covered your worried expression as you whispered back, "Yes... It is. Everyone else knows. It's only you that doesn't."

This made Haise pout and sit back, away from you. His pout was probably the cutest thing you've ever seen, making you chuckle.

"Whaaat? Why won't you tell meeeeee? We've only just met! I think I deserve to knowwww!" Haise whined, his pout growing bigger, almost as if he knew the affect it had on you.

Giggling, you replied, "Oh no~ it's a secret and it makes me embarrassed. So no, you can't know."

After hearing that it makes you embarrassed, Haise suddenly smirked, making your breath hitch in your throat. This man was full of surprises. One minute, he was a adorable, smoll fluff ball, and then the next minute, he was a sexy man that could easily be mistaken for a model.

As he came closer to your face, he whispered, "Do you know how cute you are when your embarrassed? It makes me want to do this to you all the time~"

Excuse me...? You thought, the blush that was dusted along your cheeks only growing bigger.

"I- uh..." What were you supposed to say to that!?

Haise chuckled lowly, making you gulp again. As his hand arose, you were confused as to what he was doing, but that soon subsided as he gently reached for a loose strand of your h/c hair that had seemed to fall in front of your face.

He carefully took it between his fingers, treating it as if it was made out of glass, then swiped it behind your ear, leaving tingles on your skin, making you let out a shaky breath.

Haise smirked at you, his mouth now lingering by your ear, his breathing sounding quite heavy as it brushed against the outside of your ear and your neck, making you suck in a sharp breath.

"H-haise, what are you doing?" You stuttered, getting annoyed with yourself for doing so.

"Nothing, why? I helped you." He whispered in your ear, immediately making shivers shoot down your spine.

"Your very close to me..." You muttered, scolding yourself for actually liking it.

Haise only smirked more, continuing to teasingly breathe into your ear whilst his fingers caressed your left hand, making you shiver.

"I know I am~" He whispered in a deep tone, "Don't act like you don't enjoy it..."

You just sat there, inhaling his sweet yet strong scent that made your eyes widen and got you thinking.

Haise seemed to be doing the same as he lowered his head to your neck, his lips so close to touching it.

Both breathing heavily, knowing what the answer will be, you both whispered at the same time,

"Are you a ghoul...?"

wow, another

your welcome.

haha, hope you
enjoyed this chapter


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