38 » missed you

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Finally, Haise had arrived at the coffee shop and a lump formed in your throat almost immediately as you parked beside it.

Finally, Haise had arrived at the coffee shop and a lump formed in your throat almost immediately as you parked beside it

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It wasn't Anteiku, but it was :Re...

"Y/n, are you okay? You look as if you've seen a ghost." Haise commented with a small chuckle as he hopped out of the car, shutting his door behind him after.

No, I'm not okay. You thought, shaking your head as you bit your lip and reached out for the door handle, grabbing onto it in order to open the car door.

Once out, you gently closed the door behind you despite how much you wanted to slam it due to nerves taking over your body.

"Can you help me, please?" You heard Haise call out to you.

Averting your gaze from the car window where you looked at your reflection, you looked over the car to see Haise on the other side, struggling to get Aki and Makoto out of the car.

You only nodded and opened the door closest to you before managing to get Aki out of his seat, making him snuggle into your neck as you held him securely in your arms.

After shutting the door, you looked forward to see Haise holding Makoto in his arms. The sight was enough to make a smile light up on your face.

He blushed and looked at you before locking his car and asking, "Should we go in?"

That's when your heart dropped to the bottom of your chest, however you nodded slowly and walked with Haise to the entrance. Your heartbeat accelerated as your begun to feel dizzy as well as feeling your legs turn to jelly.

Haise noticed and looked down at you, concern washed all over his face as he questioned, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I-I'm fine." You breathed out shakily.

He didn't believe you, but Haise didn't want to pressure you into saying anything you didn't want to say, so without a second thought, he inhaled and opened the small coffee shop door.

As the two of you entered, a small bell above you rang signalling that someone had walked in.

Random people glanced towards the door in curiosity, but turned away and went back to doing whatever they were doing.

A wave on uneasiness washed over you as you tried to control your heavy breathing.

You also tried your best to hold onto Aki so he wouldn't fall from your grip.

It was then, an extremely familiar voice rang through your ears in an instant.

"Hello, welcome to :Re, how can I help y-" The voice was cut off as the person's eyes immediately met yours, making your breath hitch in your throat.

Touka... You thought as tears sprung to your eyes.

Haise was confused and glanced down at the two of you to see you both looking at eachother with wide eyes. As he looked towards Touka, the back of his head stung, making him wince. Haise tried his best to remember something, anything, but nothing would come to him.

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