42 » commotion

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sorry for keeping you waiting if you do still read this, i have been unmotivated for this book over the past few days, not really knowing where i wanted it to go. i still don't to be honest, but i wanted to publish a chapter as i haven't in a while. i do hope you understand.

anyways, here's the chapter.


Haise nodded and stepped closer to the white haired ghoul who's bangs were covering his emotionless eyes.

"You've heard of that investigator called Furuta, right?" Kaneki questioned in a low voice.

"Yes, I have. I once got partnered with him for a case." Responded Haise after.

"Well, he persuaded another investigator to... Hurt you." Kaneki slowly explained, soon lifting up his head to stare into Haise's eyes that were begging for answers just as much as he was.

"Hurt me? What do you mean?" Questioned Haise, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Haise. Furuta persuaded investigator Amon to stab your eyes out. That's why you're you." Kaneki explained after a small sigh and a shake of his head.

Haise was left standing there in a state of shock. Kaneki smirked upon seeing his reaction.

"He did... What?" Haise whispered, grey eyes now wide with shock.

"He stabbed your eyes out." Repeated the white haired ghoul.

"Why? Why would he do such a thing?" Muttered the black and t haired male, eyes drooping suddenly as he looked down at the checkered floor in dismay.

"Who knows? But, I do have an idea." Replied Kaneki, tapping his chin.

"You do?" Asked Haise, immediately snapping his head up to stare at the ghoul constantly in the back of his mind.

Kaneki nodded his head before saying, "He thinks the world revolves around him and only him, right?"

"I guess..." Whispered Haise quietly.

"He wanted a promotion. He thought that if he stole custody over me- or... You, then he would get promoted. But of course, he had one more trick up his sleeve. Since he never asked Y/n to have custody over... The ghoul... He asked Amon to sneak into his cell and stab his eyes out. Then, after admitting that he was the one that asked Amon to do it, he was hoping for the promotion. That's all I could think of." The white haired ghoul explained whilst looking down at his feet the whole time.

"I suppose that makes sense. But I still don't understand a few things." Murmured Haise softly.

"What is it you don't understand?" Kaneki asked, slowly lifting up his head to look into Haise's grey eyes.

"If he really wanted to do it that badly, why didn't he do it himself? And... Just why did he do it? How did Amon agree?"

Kaneki drew out a small sigh before answering Haise's questions. "He's a wimp who couldn't to it himself since he knew I would've probably ripped him to shreds, so he thought that he would get someone I knew and had a history with to do it. Furuta wanted this to happen because he just couldn't stand me or Y/n. He wanted Y/n to feel the pain of loosing someone close to your heart. As for why did Amon agree... You'll have to find that out yourself."

"B-but how...?" Haise muttered.

Kaneki was fading away slowly, his famous, sad smile spread across his lips that was once a happy and joyful smile.

"That's for you to find out, Haise..." He whispered before closing his eyes, getting ready to fade away completely. No, this wasn't a sign that Haise had accepted him- this meant that he was leaving Haise all on his own to figure things out.

"Wait! Kaneki!" The investigator yelled out before watching the half ghoul vanish into thin air.

Haise was left standing alone in the checkered room that filled him with nightmares, only his thoughts keeping him company.

And just like that, he felt the stinging sensation forming from the back of his head, making him wince and close his eyes. Once opening them again (as soon as the pain subsided), the half ghoul found himself in the coffee shop again, still in his previous position which was at the table with your children.

His eyes trailed over to you, watching as you carried on speaking to your friends that worked here. He understood very well that all of you needed to catch up after painfully long years of being apart.

It was in that moment a loud crash came from somewhere, causing the whole coffee shop to suddenly fall silent. Everyone, including Haise and you, looked to see where the noise had supposedly came from.

As soon as you all saw who the culprit was, yours and Haise's eyes widened upon seeing a familiar CCG investigator standing up from a table, his hands placed firmly on it to keep himself standing. The rest of his squad was sat around the table, glaring straight at Haise and the staff (including you).

"Everyone, get out. Unless you want to die?" The small, black haired male cackled, however, no one was convinced as they just gave the small boy expressions that clearly read, 'really?'

The investigator sighed and nodded his head to all of his team, who stood up in an instant, following their leaders orders. Soon, sharp, deadly quinques were held in each of their hands.

"I did mean what I said," He announced with a small sigh, "Everyone get out now unless you want to be stabbed to death which we would happily do."

It was then screams and cries could be heard from absolutely everyone in the coffee shop, hurridely rounding up their family and belongings before rushing out of the coffee shop, certainly not wanting to be stabbed to death.

It took a few moments before the coffee shop was empty, and all that could be heard was heavy, nervous breaths and cries coming from Aki and Makoto.

You gasped as the black haired investigator snapped his head towards Haise who had taken ahold of the two babies in his arms, desperately cradling them in attempt to keep them quite.

"Who's are those?" The boy snapped, looking at you first, then the staff next to you, then back at Haise.

Taking a deep breath, you spoke up, "Mine, Juuzou..."

im sorry to say the book is ending soon. :(


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