16 » heartbreak

780 23 18

hєαrtвrєαk: σvєrwhєlmíng dístrєss.

manga spoilers: chapter picture.


There, right in front of you, sat a Kaneki that... Had... No eyes.

He was unconscious, or even dead for that matter.

After staring at him for a good few minutes, you wrapped the bandage that had dry blood on it around his eyes and begun to cry.

Bringing him closer to you, your fingers automatically tangled in his white hair that you loved to play with, for you could no longer stare lovingly into his gorgeous grey eyes that always shone in amazement.

As the cold tears streamed down your cheeks, you were trying to convince yourself that he wasn't really gone, whilst also trying to figure out what kind of monster would do this. Just why him?

"N-no, your not really gone, are you Kaneki? You can speak, right?" You whispered, continuing to hold him closer to you.

"Please... Don't leave me... We promised we'd live together and raise our child! Do you suddenly not want that!?" You then yelled, gritting your teeth in anger as you chocked on a sob.

Getting angry or being sad were not going to help the situation, but what else could you do? If he was really dead, there was unfortunately nothing you could do about it.

"Please... Don't leave me..." You whispered before pushing him onto his bed gently again.

Whilst getting up from his bed, you quickly glanced over at him to see if he had magically moved, but to your dismay, he hadn't. Not one inch.

Don't tell me you are dead... You thought, a lone tear slipping out of your eye before you slowly walked out of the cell and locked it, making sure not to be seen before carefully returning to your office.


Once at your office, you sat down at your desk and begged for no interruptions at all. You didn't need that with what was going on.

But, of course, your wish wasn't answered, it was ignored.

A knock came from your office door, making you grasp your hair in frustration and groan.

After taking a deep breath, you got up from your seat and walked over to your door, reaching for the handle.

Once open, you stared at the figure that was stood outside your door.

"Investigator Amon- I mean sir?" You stuttered. He was certainly not someone you were expecting to be stood outside your office door. After all, he had his own stuff to deal with. Why would he want to speak to you?

"Ah, investigator L/n. Could I speak to you please?" He asked.

Nodding, you stepped aside to let him in.

With your heartbeat increasing, and your palms becoming sweaty, your mind ran through all the events that had happened and wondered if you had some anything wrong.

After shutting your office door, you slowly walked over to Amon to see that he had plopped himself down on a spare seat that was opposite your desk.

"So sir, what did you want to talk to me about?" You asked as you got situated at your desk, propping your elbows up on it as you tried your best to keep a professional, straight composure.

"Have you seen eyepatch lately?" Amon said, fear suddenly showing in his eyes.

With wide eyes and a heart that was about to fail, you responded, "I- yes sir..."

He looked surprised, "You have?"

"Yes sir." You nodded.

"I thought you weren't allowed in the cells?" Amon asked with an eyebrow raised in confusion.

Taking a deep breath, you replied, "Sir, please... Do you know the relationship that me and eyepatch have- excuse me, I mean had?" After saying that, your heart broke even more.

Amon glanced down at your left hand and nodded slowly. "You two... Were married, correct?"

"Yes sir, we were... And I hope you understand that I... Wanted to see him." You explained.

"Well... I'm sorry about the state he's in right now..." Amon muttered.

You gasped, "You knew?"

"Of course I knew..." Amon whispered.

Raising an eyebrow, you asked, "How? He's dead..."

Amon looked pained as he stared into your e/c orbs with tons of emotions flashing through his eyes.

"Well... I don't know about dead-" Amon started, but you were quick to cut him off.

"Sir, how is he not dead!? Have you seen him? His eyes have been stabbed out!" You yelled.

Amon sighed, "Yes, Investigator L/n... I know. But he's a ghoul, he can regenerate."

You whispered, "I doubt he'd remember anything or who he is..."

Amon sighed again, "That may be true..."

It was then you decided to ask the question that had been playing on your mind for a whole now,

"Sir, do you know who could've done such a horrible thing?"

Amon glanced at you with wide eyes, his mouth opening to say something, but no words would make there way out of his mouth.

"Sir, please tell me." You begged, eyes now filled with eagerness.

"The person that did that to Ken Kaneki was..."

You nodded, telling him to carry on.

Amon inhaled and then looked at you again, looking uncertain with weather he should tell you or not. If he told you the truth, it would ruin you. You'd be more heartbroken than you already were if that was possible, and he really didn't want that for you, who he liked to claim as a good friend of his.

He then decided to tell you the truth, after all, a lie would only pain you even more.

"The person that killed Ken Kaneki was... Me..."


ahahah im so evil! 😈

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