34 » go away

715 21 5

It had been a few days since you've been at the hospital. Mostly because you were to sick and weak to go home and the nurses and doctors wanted to run a few tests on your twins before discharging you.

(Friend's name) and Haise came and visited you everyday to check up on you as well as see the twins that were currently in incubators in order to strengthen them a bit before going home.

Ever since Haise had confessed his love for you, it made you think about everything more clearly than ever. The truth was, you had feelings for him too, but you didn't want to ruin what you already have. It was also confusing you because Haise and Kaneki were basically the same person, and he knew that.

In all honesty, you have loved him for years and years. Just because he may have lost most of his memories, doesn't mean that he's any different from who he used to be. After all, he was the man that you fell in love with all of those years ago, nothing has changed. He was still... Well, Kaneki.

After getting breakfast, the nurse had arrived in your room that you had been assigned to in the hospital after taking your tray that you used for breakfast somewhere. She was aware you were a ghoul, but promised to keep it a secret.

Over the days, you and the nurse has become quite good friends. It even got to the point where you asked for her phone number, and she happily obliged, typing her number into your phone as you were unable to do it for yourself.

"Hello, miss L/n. How are you feeling?" She asked you, flashing her beautiful smile as she walked over to the curtains, pulling them open. You squinted as the warm, golden rays of the sun filtered into the room, warming you and everything up.

"Morning, miss." You answered kindly, watching as the nurse sat at the end of your bed, holding eye contact with you as she did so, "I'm okay thank you... Just a bit sore still, that's all. How are you?"

The black haired nurse with warm, brown eyes smiled at you and answered, "Please... Call me Minson. And... I'm okay, I'm just tired from working all night."

Chuckling, you replied, "All night?"

"Yes, all night." She laughed.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot to tell you," She begun, making your full attention aim on her, "There are quite a few... Visitors waiting to see you. Would you like me to bring them in?"

This made you raise an eyebrow in confusion. Visitors? You thought.

"Uhm, yes please." You replied, now eager to see who it was.

The nurse that was sat down on the end of your bed nodded and stood up, flashing you a quick smile before walking out of the room, leaving you alone.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
time skip...

A few minutes later, the nurse arrived in your room once again, but this time, with lots of other people. In the corner of your eye, you could see white cloaks, so this made you wonder if it was some of your close CCG colleagues.

"I shall allow them to come in. I will leave." Minson announced before leaving the room.

Once she left, lots of CCG investigators filtered into the room, and you smiled upon seeing most of them. Most of them. There were two particular investigators that you did not wish to see again in your lifetime, however, if they just wanted to look at the twins, then you would allow them to.

"Good morning, special investigator L/n~ we came as soon as we heard the good news." A small girl with blue hair said cheerfully, the smile on her face immediately making your day better.

"Thank you, Saiko-Chan." You answered.

"Investigator L/n, how good to see you again. And congratulations." A very important investigator with blonde hair and pink eyes said in a soft voice, bowing politely to you.

"No need to be so formal, Akira." You laughed, waving at her. Even she allowed a small smile to tug at her lips before standing up and allowing others to speak to you.

"I'm excited to see the baby!" Tooru and Shirazu said in unison, beaming at you.

"Mhm, I can see that." You hummed.

"Ah, Investigator L/n... What a pleasure to meet you once again... And... Congratulations." A hideous voice that you didn't want to hear again snickered.

Hearing footsteps come closer to you, you turned your head to face your worst enemy.

"Why are you here?" You hissed, noticing the air had grown tense around you and this certain investigator.

"What do you mean why am I here?" He whispered in your face, his eyes narrowing as he glared at you, looking as if he was about to kill you there and then.

Everyone else in the room just started to have their own conversation, awkward expressions on their faces as they tried their very best to distract themselves. However, Haise spared a few glances over at you to make sure that you were okay and that you hasn't murdered the man that was now in front of you.

"Furuta, I didn't want to see you again." You muttered through gritted teeth, trying your very best to contain your anger. In all honesty, you didn't want to start a fight. Even if you did, you were to weak to defend yourself.

"That's very rude. I was thoughtful and payed you a visit." Furuta laughed in your face as you scoffed and shook your head.

"Please leave." Was all you said.

"Leave? Wow, how rude are you? Your about to be a mother, L/n... Your children definitely won't like you if you act like this." The black haired ghoul commented, an evil sneer on his face that you wanted to punch off.

"I don't want you here." You stated.

"I wanted to see the children. Where are they?" He asked you, looking around the room and over everyone's head.

"Actually, I don't want you to see them." You said clearly. Furuta scowled and looked down at you.

"And why not?"

"I don't trust you. I can't trust you. What if you do the same thing you did to Kaneki... To my children?" You announced.

"But it wasn't me that did it, it was Investigator Amon!" Furuta tried to defend himself.

"You were the one that set him up to do it!" You yelled out in pure anger and frustration. The whole room went silent after that, and all attention was on you in a matter of seconds.

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