43 » the real plan

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well im back with another chapter. :D

Juuzou's eyes widened slightly as he stared at you, then back at your children who were wailing whilst in Haise's arms.

Then, the small, black haired boy smirked. "I suggest you get them out of here. Unless you want them to die?"

You were absolutely dumbfounded as you stared at your once best friend, dissapointment flashing through your eyes.

Turning back to the staff, you quickly begged, "Can one of you take them to safety? Please?"

The five of them exchanged glances before Hinami stepped forward.

"I will look after them for you." She informed, looking serious.

"Oh, thank you so much, Hina." You breathed out, thankful that she would be protecting your children from this sudden and unexpected commotion.

"It's fine. They will be at my house." She told you. Hinami lived with Touka and Touka's uncle, Yomo ever since her mother got killed in that alleyway.

You nodded, thanking her once more before watching as she rushed over to Haise who carefully gave both crying babies to them.

Walking over to Aki and Makoto, you smiled weakly before gently pressing a soft kiss onto both of their heads.

"Mummy loves you, okay? She will be back... I promise." You whispered softly, not caring that they wouldn't be able to understand you.

The two babies that you loved with all of your heart stared at you before calling down. They knew that those were the eyes of their mother who had bought them up and allowed them to come into this world.

Hinami smiled at you before scurrying out of the coffee shop with Aki and Makoto hugging her neck tightly. As soon as the door shut, you returned your angry gaze to Juuzou who had been smirking at you the whole time.

"Are you certain that you are going to make it back to your children alive, hmm?" Juuzou snickered as he took steps towards you, whipping out a dagger that was of course made out of quinque steel. The collection he owned were all made out of quinque steel in order to cut and stab into ghoul's skin.

With determination evident in your eyes, you stared at him, then nodded your head firmly. "Yes, I am. Because I'm not going to be the one dying, rather the other way round."

Juuzou managed to allow a loud laugh to erupt from his throat as he threw his head back.

"Ah, you haven't changed at all, Y/n? Have you?" He asked you.

"I see you haven't either, Juuzou." You responded.

"Do you know why I'm here?" He then questioned you, continuing to take small steps towards you as he pointed the dagger out in front of him so that it was aiming straight at your stomach.

"No, I don't. Enlighten me." You murmured sarcastically.

"Well," He begun whilst turning to his squad who each had a smirk plastered on their faces, "We have been assigned on a very important mission..."

"And what is that mission?" You asked.

"To kill (ghouls name.)" Replied Juuzou immediately, causing your eyes to now open wide in shock and alarm. Although, you shouldn't really be alarmed since the CCG did indeed kill ghouls- and you were a rare ghoul. But they allowed you to work for them. Twice! So why now did they decide to kill you?

"To kill me...?" You breathed out, noticing the shocked faces of the :Re staff from the corner of your eye.

"Yes!" Juuzou clapped his hands together as his voice rose in excitement, "That has been our plan all along!"

"Who... Who's idea was this?" You asked, staggering backwards slightly as you begin to feel uneasy. Haise could see right through you, and so, he wasted no time in rushing over to you.

Once near you, he wrapped his strong arms around your waist in order to keep you upright instead of you collapsing to the ground.

"What's the matter?" He whispered into your ear.

Taking a few deep breaths, you replied, "I don't feel good..."

Haise's expression turned worried as he looked at you, then glanced at the other ghouls who were already staring at you with worried looks.

"Do you want me to fight him off?" Asked your boyfriend in a hushed tone, trying to calm you down and soothe you.

Shaking your head, your eyes widened as you instantly shot up, not caring that your legs were shaking like an earthquake about to happen.

"N-no, I don't want you to get hurt." You informed, turning around to face Haise.

He looked down at you with that soft look in his grey eyes. That look that held all of the love he had for you.

"Y/n, I don't mind getting hurt if it's for you." He announced.

Despite the situation, you felt your heart melt at his velvety soft words.

The sweet moment was rudely interrupted by a snicker, causing you to furrow your eyebrows together and spin around.

"Sorry to break your sweet and sappy moment, but we need to complete this mission." Juuzou explained to you, his smirk not fading away.

Smirking back, you responded, "That's if you complete this mission."

The black haired boy growled angrily, his ruby red eyes practically blazing with fire.

"Idiot." He seethed.

"Juuzou, what has happened to you?" You sighed softly, thinking about all of the good times the two of you shared. He cared about you, he was kind to you. The two of you had an unbreakable friendship. Did that all crumble just because you were unable to see him?

"Nothing has happened to me, Y/n," He growled out, "The real question is what has happened to you? You weren't like this."

"What do you mean?"

"You... Used to put up great fights. You killed ghouls, humans and investigators! Heck, you even managed to kill Investigator Arima, and let me tell you, that is something. People were talking about that weeks! They still are. Your kagune skills were outstanding and the way you handled it was totally professional. Even with a quinque, you never once managed to cut yourself with it and you would always aim in the correct places. The missions you went on, you always succeeded. So, why are you like this now? Why are you so kind and generous? Is it because you've had kids? What happened to the real Y/n? The one I used to know?"

All you could do was absorb what he had just said. It was true, everything Juuzou said was true. You had changed. But was this change good, or was it bad?

Only you had the power to know.

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