46 » goodnight, haise

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just to let you know: the two endings of this book are soon.

prepare your heart as it's gonna be angsty, but don't worry, i think i'll be nice and do a happy ending as well. ♡


Haise groaned out, fluttering his eyes open as he desperately looked around at his current surroundings.

"Haise." That deep, smooth, familiar voice rang through his ears as an intoxicating and overwhelming scent invaded his nose.

Turning around, the investigator came face to face with none other than his past self: Ken Kaneki.

The ghoul stared at Haise with eyes as empty as ever. They looked dull and emotionless. His white hair was messily ruffled up on his head, and his bangs spread down to cover his eyes. Cold, metal cuffs along with long chains were securely locked onto the males wrists and ankles. Haise was used to seeing the ghoul like this, in this state.

"You again, Kaneki?" Haise scoffed in disbelief.

The other frowned. "I'm only here to help."

"Tell me, Ken: how are you planning to help me? Have you seen the situation I'm in? Not only am I putting myself at risk of dying, but I'm also putting Y/n and the rest of her friends at risk. I can't do that."

Kaneki shuffled closer to the helpless half ghoul, chains scraping along the checkered floor with every step he took, making Haise wince.

Soon enough, the white haired male stopped, now in front of his current self, staring into the others grey eyes.

"Of course I've seen the situation you're in, Haise. That's why I came here again. I want to help you."

Haise looked uncertain, clamping his lower lip between his teeth. "But... At first, didn't you want to take over me? Make me accept you?"

Kaneki nodded, an evil grin twisting onto his pale lips. "I did, yes. And that still applies."

Haise's eyes widened as he staggered back a bit, now breathing heavily.

Have his past self take control over his body? Was it possible? Could it actually work?

Haise by himself was weak. And even he himself knew that. Sure, he had a quinque and kagune, but it was him and just a few other ghouls against talented and experienced CCG investigators. They were no match for them.

The half ghoul bit his lip, thinking through all his possible options. He really didn't have many at all. He could either reject Kaneki again and risk getting himself, along with you and your friends, killed by the investigators. Or, he could accept Kaneki and allow him to take over his body to finally show him what he had been missing, the strength he had been missing out on. The old Ken Kaneki.

"Haise, I need an answer. We don't have much time, and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of you rejecting me. I want to take over you. I have to protect everyone, I must do."

Haise ignored Kaneki, but couldn't for much longer as the ghoul growled.

"If you don't tell me what you want to do right now, Y/n is going to die along with you and all of the other ghouls. Do you really want that? Do you want to be the cause of yours and their death's?"

Haise's breathing begun to get deeper, sweat now slowly trickling down his forehead and throat. He felt as if he was suffocating with pressure and hard decisions to make.

However, he knew that he had to choose the right option. He definitely couldn't have you or anyone else die.

"K-kaneki-" Haise choked out, gasping for air as he felt his throat tighten.

Kaneki watched the other ghoul with wide eyes, feeling slightly worried.


Haise said nothing. Slowly but surely, and after some time, his breathing returned back to normal and he was calming down.

"I'm so sorry." Was all Haise said to the other, voice cracking.

Kaneki shook his head. "Don't worry."

The two ghouls stared at each other before Kaneki hummed.

"Have you made your decision, Haise?"

The said male slowly nodded his head, now positive that the decision he made would be for the best. No more Haise Sasaki. This was for his own good as well as everyone else's.

"I have, Kaneki." Replied Haise.

Kaneki smirked, taking one step closer to the half ghoul.

"And what is your decision, hm? I trust that you made the correct one?" The white haired ghoul whispered, licking his pale lips.

Haise took a deep breath before telling his past self his decision, "I allow you, Ken Kaneki, to take control of my body. Become you once again."

Kaneki's eyes immediately lit up in an emotion that the other was physically unable to decipher.

Kaneki took a deep breath, a sly smirk spreading at his lips as he shook his head, causing some bangs to brush out of his emotionless and dull eyes.

"Wise choice... Haise." The other hissed out before cracking his index finger.

"How are you going to take control of me?" Haise asked, feeling a bit nervous and scared.

The other ghoul said nothing, but walked behind his other self, startling Haise as he felt warm breath tickle his neck.

"Haise," Kaneki whispered, voice low and demanding, "This is going to hurt a bit, but please understand that you put yourself in this situation: not only that, but it is the best decision."

Haise's eyes widened, feeling his body stiffen up. He begun to panick, not wanting to get hurt.

"No, please. Don't hurt me."

Kaneki sighed in frustration. "Just trust me for once, okay?"

Silence fell among the two males for a few seconds before Haise finally sucked in a deep breath, mustered up all the courage he had, then nodded his head.

"O-okay... I trust you..." He shakily breathed out.

The other ghoul behind him smirked in satisfaction. "Well then: say goodbye to Haise Sasaki."

Haise smirked a demonic smile, teeth showing. He cackled then seethed, "Goodnight, Haise."

so sorry for the short chapter. the next chapter will be published tomorrow since im really on a roll with these chapters, lol.

anyways, please tell me if you enjoyed.

keep your eyes peeled for the two endings!


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