17 » lost

676 23 6

lσst: míssíng σr unαвlє tσ fínd sσmєthíng.

manga spoilers: chapter picture.

After Amon said that, it was as if time stood completely still.

You could no longer hear anything correctly. Not even your uneasy breathing.

You couldn't hear Amon desperately trying to grab your attention.

All you could hear was a painful ringing sound in your ears, and all you could see was everything around you suddenly becoming blurry.

You suddenly begun to feel uneasy and dizzy, your eyes darting all around your now blurry office.

"INVESTIGATOR L/N!" Amon suddenly yelled, making you snap back into your senses immediately.

"H-huh?" You muttered, your eyes now landing on Amon.

"What's wrong? You almost looked as if you were about to pass out!" Amon exclaimed.

"Because I was!" You yelled, anger suddenly taking over you. You could feel your blood boiling in your body.

Amon only sighed, "I'm sorry I had to do that to him, investigator L/n..."

That's when you glared at Amon and slammed your fists down onto your desk, swiftly standing up from your seat after.

"You didn't have too! Why would you do such a cruel act, Sir? You know what? I used to have so much trust in you, but now that's all gone. All of my trust for you has gone." You exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, L/n. I really am." Amon sighed.

"If you were really sorry, then you wouldn't of done such a thing in the first place! Anyway, I don't forgive you." You whispered.

Amon looked at you in disbelief with sadness in his eyes. He knew what he did was wrong and unforgivable.

"I-" He started, but you immediately cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it. Please leave my office." You muttered, pointing to your office door.

"Excuse me? I'm your boss." Amon gasped.

"Well sir, leave my office." You said with a deadly glare.

Amon sighed but nodded and bowed, then begining to leave your office.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered before walking out and shutting your door.

Then, you allowed all of your salty tears you had been trying to get rid of free from your eyes as they stung your cheeks. But you didn't care. It didn't hurt as much as the pain in your broken heart at the moment.


About half an hour later, you heard a knock at your office door, making you groan and lift your head up from your desk. You must've fallen asleep after sobbing for at least an hour.

Sighing, you trudged over to your door, pulling the handle down to open the door.

Once open, you stared emotionlessly at the figure outside.

"Yes?" You asked, already annoyed.

Akira was here.

"Oh Y/n... I heard what happened, I'm so sorry-" She whispered, but you cut her off.

You immediately shoved her away and looked down at the floor with a pained expression written all over your face.

"Go away. I don't want to see anyone. I don't know who to trust anymore... For all I know, you could've helped him!" You screamed, tears now forming in the corner of your e/c orbs.

Akira looked shocked for a moment or two, but she glanced down at the floor and nodded slowly.

"I... Understand. Goodbye, Y/n..." And with that, she left, wiping her tears away.

Once she was out of sight, you gripped your hair and wandered back into your office, allowing a scream to surpass your lips as soon as you closed the door.

"WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO SELFISH!?" You yelled, angry with yourself.

Sighing, you shook your head and then...

You collapsed.

sorry for the short chapter...


merry christmas?



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