6 » preparing for the mission

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All of the Quinx squad just stared at you with wide eyes, uncertainty painted all over their faces.

"You want us to what?" Urie asked, clearly shocked by your statement.

Tooru gestured for you to sit down, so that's what you did.

After walking over to the sofa and sitting at the end of it, you turned to the three ghouls and begun to talk once again.

"You heard me. I want you to help me find eyepatch."

"Isn't that the really crazy ghoul that everyone has been talking about!?" Saiko gasped, her eyes wide with fear.

You glanced over at her and nodded your head, as no words needed to be spoken.

"Are you insane? We could die!" Urie yelled.

You chuckled, "Anyone could die any day. Besides, this job is the literal definition of death, so why choose it?"

That made Urie shut up.

"So, are you going to help me or not?" You asked, your eyes trailing off to look at each and every one of them.

Tooru stood up from the sofa and announced, "Yes. We will help you, Investigator L/n."

This shocked you a bit because Tooru wasn't really a confident person. However, you smiled upon knowing that her confidence was slowly building up.

"Well then, that's settled. Come with me to collect Investigator Furuta, and then we need to find out who my supervisors will be..." You informed.

The Quinx squad nodded and stood up, Tooru, Saiko and Urie dusting down their CCG cloaks as you did the same.

Before turning around, you felt a light tug at the sleeve of your cloak, making you look down beside you to see who it was. You wasn't surprised when you saw a blue haired girl looking up at you with a cute pout, and wide, blue eyes.

"Hm? What is it, Saiko-Chan?" You asked.

She replied, "Isn't... Eyepatch your... Husband?"

Your eyes widened slightly, as you were debating on weather or not to tell her the truth or lie. You went with telling her the truth, as she probably already knew.

Sighing, you nodded and said, "Yes... He is."

She stuffed her face into your arm and mumbled, "Is that the only reason you want to find him...?"

Her sentence made you pause for a few moments and think things through.

Currently, all of your reunions with your old friends ended up in them almost doubting your decision, or them asking if it was only to have a happy family again. But that wasn't the case. You knew that you weren't able to have a happy family, because every family has their own ups and downs.

You wanted to save him.

To save him from his growing nightmare that he himself had created and may never be able to escape.

To save him from the people he was currently working under.

To save him from...


Yes, that was it. You were going to save him from himself and that was that. You were put on this earth to make it a better place, and so, that's what you are going to do. Now, you weren't saying that Kaneki was the cause of everything, of course, but he just can't carry on like this. Not in the state his in at the moment.

You were snapped out of your train of thought when you heard Urie grumble, "So are you going to get going or what?"

Saiko's small hands slowly slipped away from your arms as you turned your head to face an annoyed-looking Urie.

Glaring at him, you replied through gritted teeth, "Yes, we are... Someone's impatient..."

He basically growled after hearing what you whispered, almost inaudibly, "Hey! I heard that!"

You pretended to be shocked, "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt your poor feelings?"

Urie just glared daggers at you before clicking his tounge and walking into the hallway, where Tooru followed in attempt to try and calm him down.

Smirking, you grinned over at Shirazu who smiled and such his thumbs out at you.

"Are you looking forward to the mission, Investigator L/n?" Shirazu then asked.

You thought about the question for a moment or two before answering, "Yes, I suppose I am. I must admit, I'm a bit scared, but aren't we all?"

Shirazu nodded at you.

Once in the hallway, you asked, "Right are you all ready to go? Have you got what you need?"

All of the Quinx squad nodded at you as you headed for the door.

Flashing each of them (including Urie), a small smile, you opened the door and announced, "Well then... Let's go."


After about ten minutes of walking, the five of you finally made it into the bustling CCG headquarters.

"So, are we going to investigator Furuta's office?" Urie asked loudly, so that he could be heard over the other people's shouting and talking voices.

You looked around and nodded, finally taking the chance to start walking when the corridors were clear of most people. There was the few odd investigators walking around, but they didn't mind you, nor did you mind them.

When Furuta's office was in sight, the five of your sped up your pace a bit until you were at the door.

Shirazu knocked on the door, and rustling as well as mumbling could be heard from inside of the open office.

Then, the handle clicked and you all watched as the door flung open.

"Sorry I was just going some paperwork-" Furuta was cut off as soon as he layed his eyes on you.

You glared at him and folded your arms over your chest, unamused.

He, however, looked amused and stood up straight, leaning against his door as a smirk plastered his smug-looking face.

"I thought you said you'd leave me alone?" He asked in a cocky tone, making you want to grab him by the throat and shove him into a wall. Maybe that would knock some sense into him.

Rolling your eyes, you replied, "Look, you idiot. It wasn't my choice."

He looked over your shoulder to see the Quinx squad and said, "Oh? It looks like you've bought some visitors too?"

You nodded, "Yes, they are here to help me."

And with that, the Quinx squad nodded in agreement.

Furuta muttered, "I see... So what is it you need help with, and who sent you?"

"May we come in?" You asked with an eyebrow raised.

Furuta sighed, but nodded and stepped aside, allowing all of you to walk in.

Once in and sat down, he shut and locked the door before turning to all of you, who were sat down in chairs provided.

"So," He begun,"What did you want to talk to me about, hm?"

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