24 » that voice

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In a matter of seconds, your hands flew to your mouth as you had just realised what you said.

With wide eyes, you looked to see Haise staring at you with a shocked expression; his grey eyes now wide and his mouth hanging open slightly.

"W-what did you just say?" He stuttered, looking at you.

Removing your hands away from your mouth, you gulped and shook your head. "Nevermind."

It was then Haise leaned closer to you, allowing his mouth to be close to your ear. Heat crept onto your cheeks as his warm breath brushed your ear, his lips close to your neck.

"Tell me." He whispered huskily, sending shivers racing down your spine immediately.

"I-i..." It was hard to form a sentence with the certain investigator leaning close to you and breathing in your ear. Almost as if it was normal.

"Y/n, I'm waiting." He said in a serious tone, making you shiver and gulp.

"I said... Kaneki?" You whispered, lowering your head.

Haise leaned backwards and stared at you for a few seconds before stretching his arm out to you.

Then, you felt his warm fingers lift up your chin so that you two were gazing into eachothers eyes.

The way the sunlight shone in his unique, grey eyes made them sparkle, making him look even more ethereal.

He too, noted in his mind that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever layed his eyes on, even know he had technically just met you. But nothing could change his mind. Besides, he felt as if he had met you before; weather he remembered or not...

"Kaneki, hm?" He hummed. You just nodded in response.

"The name sounds very familiar..." Haise muttered as you only looked at him with a blank expression.

Because you are him! You thought, all of the missing puzzle pieces suddenly being found and falling into place. It didn't make perfect sense, but at the same time it did. Haise was Kaneki...

"It does?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

Haise nodded his head. "Yes, it does... It's almost as if he was a big part of my life."

"I see..." You mumbled, unsure of what to say back to him.

"Y/n." Haise then said.

"Yes, Haise?" You replied.

"I'm sure you were important in my life too. I'm sorry that I can't remember exactly how and why you were, but I will try and figure it out. But... I'm happy living like this." Haise exclaimed with a small smile.

"Y-your happy living your life like this...? As someone else...?" You whispered the last part in hope that Haise didn't hear you. Luckily, he didn't.

"Of course I'm happy living like this. Sure, not everyone likes me, but that's to be expected. It doesn't help that I'm a ghoul. A rare one for that matter." Haise replied to you.

"I understand." You said.

"You don't have to help me, Y/n. And I'm not sure if you'll even be able to as I have no clue how to even help myself. It's all so confusing." Haise muttered.

"No, Haise," You said in a serious tone, your eyes searching for his, "I will help you no matter what. I promise you that. I'll always be by your side."

Haise smiled at you, "Thank you, Y/n. No one has ever said that to me before."

I have before... You thought with a sad smile tugging at your lips.

[Haise's POV]

I was so thankful that Y/n was helping me, I really was. She didn't have too, but she wanted to help me. She's going out of her way to help me. An investigatior she just met about an hour ago.

When my head suddenly started spinning and my vision went blurry, I could no longer see it hear Y/n. Or anything for that matter. All I could hear was a deadly ringing in my ears and now all I could see was blackness.

But I recognized this place.

This is where it always happens.

This is where the voice calls and begs for me.

This is where the voice laughs at me and calls me weak and whatever he wants too.

This is where hell happens.

And I couldn't do anything about it.

The sound of chains and feet shuffling filled my ears as the person begun to walk dangerously close to me.

"Haise...." The voice whispered as it clung onto my shoulders and whispered in my ear from behind.

As always, I didn't dare to move. I didn't even allow my mind to even think about what happened if I did.

"Haise..." It whispered again, "Accept me..."

Taking a deep breath, I decided to talk to the mysterious white haired ghoul that I have always kept quiet around.

"What do you mean accept you?" I asked.

He chuckled in an amused tone, "So you actually spoke to me today, huh...? And... You know what I mean."

I gritted my teeth and muttered, "I never know what you mean. Accept you? In what way?"

"That I am you. A part of you." The cold voice whispered in my ear.

"Your not though. I am my own person." I said, utterly confused.

He sighed, "Haise, when will you learn that I am you? Just accept me."

"Never." I said firmly.

When the figure with chains around his ankles and wrists finally let go of my shoulders and stood back, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Suit yourself. But I won't stop asking you too. Trust me, I will do you a favour."

"I will never accept you,

Kaneki Ken."

i apologize for that short chapter.

i currently have quite a lot going on such as family issues and school work that needs to be sorted out.

i might take a small hiatus, i don't know. just to sort things out?

well, the next chapter may take a while for me to update, so i do really hope you can wait.

anyway, thank you for reading and being patient with me.


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