28 » finding out more

726 22 28

hello, i am back
from my small

thanks for being patient
with me.

anyway, i hope you
enjoy this chapter.



[Author's POV]

"Because you have, Haise. You have kissed me."

The words that came out of your were obviously quite a shock to Haise.

"I... What?" Haise asked you, unsure of what to say.

With a small sigh, you gently pushed the investigator away and sat up straight on his bed, sorting out your uniform to look at least a bit more presentable. After all, you had a case to do; but you two had spent hours talking. Not that either of you minded. It was for his benefit, so you would gladly tell him more.

"You kissed me." You repeated with a sad smile.

"I only recall kissing you then..." Haise muttered, sitting up as he scratched the back of his neck, a confused frown stretched across his adorable face.

You shook your head. "Nope," You giggled, "You have kissed me before. Lots of times actually..."

Haise then looked at you only to see that you had a blush dusted on your cheeks as the memories of Kaneki kissing you replayed in your head over and over again. Yes, it still hurt you to think about him, but- he was technically in front of you now. Wasn't he?

"I have?" He asked, still not quite believing it. He was very confused. It didn't help that he didn't really seem to remember his past at all. Only a few flashbacks whenever his past self came to haunt him in his mind, trapping him. It drove Haise insane, but he stayed. Wanting to find out more. Not only for himself, but for you too, since he knew how much you were breaking on the inside.

"Yes, you have." You replied, now looking into Haise's grey eyes that were sparkling.

It was then Haise's eyes widened and a face of pain was quick to replace his confused expression. He hunched over and gripped onto his hair, groaning slightly at the stinging sensation emitting from the back of his head.

He figured this would happen whenever he remembered something. Something quite important for that matter.

"Haise?" You questioned, worry laced in your voice; however Haise couldn't hear you, for his past self had came to haunt him again.

"What do you want, Kaneki? Leave me alone. Please..." Haise begged as darkness enveloped him once again.

"No. This is important." Kaneki stated in his usual deep voice.

"Prove it." Haise spat in annoyance.

Kaneki only chuckled and struggled with his chains that were tied to his wrists and ankles.

"Fine then. I will." Kaneki said in a hushed tone. All that could be heard was the rattling of chains before everything turned completely white.

Am I dead? Haise thought, extremely confused about what was going on. If he was dead, he certainly didn't know why.

Haise could only see bright light around him for a few minutes before an image started to appear, making Haise's full attention focus on that and only that- his eyes widened as he watched what was going on in front of him.

No, Haise wasn't there. He was above, looking down at the memory that he guessed Kaneki was showing him once again. But this memory was different. This memory was one of the most happiest events in his life.

Is that...? Haise didn't have time to think before he heard loud bells ring.

"Do to remember this?" A calm voice asked from behind him. Haise knew Kaneki was standing behind him since he could smell and feel his presence.

Haise just carried on looking, ignoring the ghoul's question.

As he stared intensely, he noticed that a white haired male and a beautiful h/c haired female were holding hands, staring lovingly into eachothers eyes.

People were all sat in rows, tears falling down their cheeks or huge smiles on their faces.

"This is where i- you... Married the most beautiful and important person ever." Kaneki exclaimed, sounding hurt slightly.

Haise spun around to look at the ghoul that always visited him in his mind.

"Kaneki..." Haise begun, "Do you still love her? Do you really cherish her that much?"

Kaneki just looked at Haise blankly. No emotion in his eyes at all. That was, until the cheering and clapping stopped. All of a sudden, the memory dissapeared and Haise and Kaneki were left standing in the checkered and blood-stained room once again.

"Do I still love and cherish her?" Kaneki repeated, a sad smile tugging at his lips.

Haise nodded.

"Of course I do. Not a day goes by when I don't think about her. I want to go back to her, Haise. I really do. I want to see her again, to hold her in my arms once again, to kiss her soft lips once again... To just tell her how much I love her and missed her once again. Is that too much to ask? Why did I 'die?' She looked so broken when she found out I was supposedly 'dead'...

But if I go back... She won't even remember me. She's spent all this time searching for me when i- you have been there in front of her all the time. If I do go back, which I wish I could... She won't know who I am since she only knows you, Haise. It's up to you to tell her how much you've missed her.

Yes, I know it's all confusing at the moment but... Me and you are the same person as I'm sure you have figured out already. I don't think I can go back to her... Not as Kaneki. But as Haise."

Haise just looked at Kaneki with a sad expression. He never realised how much Y/n meant to him. She was basically his entire world.

Haise then thought of something. Yes, it was quite quick and risky, but he understood why Kaneki wanted to see the love of his life again. They were married, Y/n is carrying his child. They promised eachother that they would have a life together. And all of those promises and memories to be broken and smashed just like glass being carelessly thrown onto the floor? That's not how it's supposed to work at all. Promises are supposed to be kept and made. Not broken and breaking the people inside slowly.

"Kaneki," Haise spoke up, catching the white haired ghouls attention in an instant.

"Yes?" Kaneki asked, stepping closer to Haise.

Haise took a deep breath before muttering,

"There is a way you can see Y/n again... Just trust me and listen to this..."

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