The Fateful Encounter.

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Floor 1: Town of Beginnings

Kirito POV

A few weeks after making it to the next town, I kept sensing a presence trying to follow me, so I did my best to avoid it. It started after I left Klein, so I wanted to trap this person to see who they are. After buying a rope, I tied it around my wrist and kept it hidden under my sleeve, and attached the other end to make a small circle to carry at my side, making it look like an accessory. After I felt the presence again, I put my plan into action. I decided first to go into a plains nearby, and upon arriving, I laid on the ground to take a nap, with the rope buried next to my head. When the footsteps approached me, I was ready.

"Um.. Excuse m-ahhh!" The person screamed as I got the rope around her foot and tied her up. It may seem rude, but I am one cautious fellow. I noticed her face and she gave me the glare of death. I told her she shouldn't of tried to sneak up on me, to which she shouted in a rather angry tone.

"You moron! I wasn't sneaking up on you, and I wasn't stalking you if that is what your wondering!"

"Oh yeah, you got a funny way to show it." I got up in her face to which she felt a little flustered. "Now who are you?"

"Baka, very well then.." She cleared her throat. " My name is Alice, Alice Synthesis Thirty."

"What kind of username is that?"

"How should I know!? I just randomized my name, and you can just call me Alice if you want." She scowled.

"Well then, my name is Kirito. If you aren't stalking, then why did you follow me?"

After giving up the struggle, she looked at me with a smile and told me her tale.

Alice POV

After being caught and questioned, I decided it was pointless to resist any longer. "Like many others, this is my first MMORPG, and after what that Kayaba guy said... Well I'm very afraid, and I saw you talking to someone and thought you had to be a Beta Tester. So I followed you." I felt pathetic admitting the truth of being frightened as in the real world I am more arrogant and rebellious.

"Why didn't you just come up and talk to me?" The boy said with a frown. "If you were that scared then I would of gladly showed you the ropes."

"But.... I am kind of a shy person. I really don't trust many people outside my family, and I did not know how to approach you." God I feel embarrassed. Shy? Really? I mean I am but he doesn't have to know.

"Hmm, well... Sorry for roping you." He started to remove the rope and I decked him in the face. "What the HELL!" he replied with a bloody nose and I laughed my butt off.

"Now we are even." I said, still laughing. After that, he began to laugh to and I helped him up. "Sorry, might of swung a little too hard."

"Ehehe, I'm alright." He wiped his nose.

"Now then..." I grabbed his arm like a girl would do on a date. "Since you tied up an innocent girl, take responsibility and treat me to some food." I said with an energetic smile.

"W-W-Wait what!?" His face said it all, and I found it hilarious. "Alright fine." He said with a warm smile.

"Yay!" I cheered. "I feel like this will be a fun new friendship."

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