Parking Lot Brawl; Final Battle Begins

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"You did good Asuna, you crashed the player servers that were trapped in the game and logged them out." Kirito stated.

"But now i'm worried about my real body. Sugou may be on his way." Asuna replied in a slightly panicked tone.

"True, but me and Kirito will be right there as soon as we log you out." Alice mentioned. "Believe in us." She added.

"But how? The server is all the way at the top of the tree." Asuna stated.

"Watch and learn, Asuna." Alice smirked, turning towards Kirito.

"System log in! I.D Heathcliff!" Kirito screamed, and a screen appeared before him. "Give me administrator privileges." He added, becoming the game's owner.

"How did you get the Commander's I.D?" Asuna questioned.

"Kayaba left me a message that even Alice knows nothing about." Kirito smiled.

"Huh? Since when?" Alice replied.

"Yeah bro, I didnt see a message." Leafa added.

"Well..." Kirito started.


The morning of Kirito's and Leafa's raid to protect Sakuya and Alicia from the Salamanders, Kazuto got a random voice message from his computer. The sender was non other than Akihiko Kayaba himself, which shocked Kazuto. Upon opening it, a hologram-like version of Kayaba appeared.

"Hello Kirito, it's been a long time." Kayaba stated.

"How are you still alive?" Kazuto questioned the AI.

"Simple, I am actually dead, but I guess you can call me the after image of the mind that was once Akihiko Kayaba." He replied.

"So what do you need from me?" Kazuto asked.

"To help you as a way to repay my debt." Kayaba mentioned, shocking Kazuto.

"Debt?" Kazuto questioned.

"Yes. See, I am well aware of the mistakes I made in making my dream come true, all because of what you shown me." He started.

To sum it all up, Kayaba looked at everyone as players and nothing more, mostly because he never experienced the struggle or life of a player. However, after losing to Kirito and seeing how Asuna ran the guild, made him realize how selfish he truely was. Sure, he did a lot of wrong, and he has regretted it ever since. All he wanted was to create a world of dreams to escape the cruel reality, when he brought more despair than the real world can give. In the end, living as a player and witnessing Kirito's wedding with Alice, Kayaba knew he was wrong all along and Kirito somehow opened his eyes.

"I'm giving you my I.D registration. Sugou stole my system from me and he must be stopped. I hope we meet again Kirito." The message ended.

Flashback ends;

"And that's how it happened." Kirito finished the story, shocking everyone.

"I am rather creeped out by that actually." Alice admitted.

"Same, I can't believe the Commander really changed that much all because of me and you all." Asuna replied in shock.

"Wow, you guys seem distant when it comes to SAO." Leafa stated with a shy frown.

"Despite the fun we had, it was the stakes that ruined the experience. You're truly lucky Leafa." Asuna mentioned.

"Yeah, screw SAO." Kirito added as Alice nodded.

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