Prelude to Awakening

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Floor: 22

One beautiful day in Aincrad, Kirito decided to go fishing in a lake outside coral. The heat was beating down and Kirito easily got bored.

"Catch anything?"

A voice came from behind Kirito which shook him.

"Sorry to scare you. My name is Nishida." He said with a handshake.

"In the game, I am a fisherman. However, in Japan, I was head of network security for a company called Toto High-Speed Internet." He finished.

"I'm Kirito. Wait... Didn't Toto High-Speed Internet-"

"Yes, I oversaw network security for the game." He cut off.

Shortly after, Nishida's fishing pole started to jerk, and after he reeled it in, Kirito was amazed.

"Wow that's a big fish!" Kirito said.

"This one is easy but, thank you." Nishida replied.

"I can easily catch these things, but I can never cook them." He added.

"I'd love to stew them or make sashimi, but I don't have any soy sauce." He finished.

"I could help you with that." Kirito stated.

"What?!" He screamed in shock.

"Yeah, my wife knows exactly how to make it." Kirito said after a slight scare from Nishida's small outburst.

When taking Nishida to the house, Alice was in the kitchen with a mood.

"That duel-wielding boy toy thinks he can worry me to death by not leaving a note when he leaves?!" Alice stated.

"I am going to give it-"

Alice was cut off by the sight of Kirito approaching with an elderly man. Questioning who he is, she went out to great them.

"Where were you?" Alice gave a look of death and seduction towards Kirito, who gulped.

"Fishing." He quickly replied.

"Who's your friend?" She asked.

"This is Nishida, I met him by the lake." He said.

"Hello there miss." Nishida said.

"Hello there. My name is Alice, his lovely wife who is going to clobber him for making me worry." She replied, to which Kirito jumped and Nishida laughed.

After small introductions and getting to know more, Alice made them all dinner.

"That was freaking amazing, I never thought you could get soy sauce in this world." Nishida cheered.

"It's homemade. Take some home if you like." Alice offered.

Really? That's so kind of you. Your fishing skill must be very high." He said.

"Actually Kirito never brought home anything." Alice stated.

"The lakes around here are really hard." Kirito defended.

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